Milestones At Visakha Valley Bible College...

Dear Brethren in Christ, 

Greetings to you all in the name of Lord Jesus Christ from Visakha Valley Bible College. By the grace of God we are all doing fine and hope the same with you all.  

After the graduation ceremony we were busy in attending the local preachers fellowship meetings as well as gospel meetings. 

Public Gospel Meetings
Finally the congregations in the city of Visakhapatnam have successfully conducted the Public Gospel meetings for three days. This has been a long lasting dream to many brethren here. By the grace of God, director Samuel Raju has taken the initiative to motivate the preachers in the City to come together to hold this awesome program. After several meetings and discussion among the brethren they finally came up with a plan. Still it needed somebody to take the lead, so we the faculty, students (current/past), came forward to spend 3 full days to get ready the meetings place and make other arrangements for the audience. By the grace of God we had successful gospel meetings. This has helped us promote our school. We had so many students visit our school and inquire about the courses & facilities we are offering at Visakha. 

Faculty Meeting
We had another faculty meeting to discuss the curriculum and also about the admissions currently going on. We discussed about running two parallel batches of students so that we do not have to wait for two years to graduate the students, where one group of students will be graduated every year. We shall implement this plan for this time. According to this we shall enroll some students this year and some in next year. We are thinking about 12 students for each batch. In his recent visit brother Jerry Bates advised us to think about this, so when we put this before the rest of the faculty for discussion everybody agreed to implement this plan. We believe this will open up opportunities for many other students, we do not have to ask the interested person to wait for a couple of years to get enrolled. We hope and pray that this will be successful for the benefit of the School. 

Preachers Fellowship & Gospel Meeting 
Brother Uday Kumar, who attends our school during the short courses, has invited us for a gospel meeting as well as Preachers Fellowship Meeting. This brother lives in Vijayanagaram District which is about 80 kms from our school. We had been there for two days, our faculty, and old students who live in that area, were present as well. We witnessed a couple of people baptized into Christ. Our graduates have reported about the new additions in their church families. Brother Vamsee preached in both the nights, other teachers, brother Balaram & Malleswarao, preached during the Day.

This month has been very productive because we attended several gospel meetings, distributed thousands of Gospel Tracts and witnessed over 20 people being baptized.

We appreciate all your prayers and support to run the preacher training school which is opening up doors to reach out the unreached souls with the Good News. Please greet the brethren at your congregation. 

Our heartfelt gratitude towards the elders of Strickland Church of Christ for overseeing this work and the elders of the Lake Houston Church of Christ for helping to run the school. May our efforts produce more preachers and many congregations will be established and there by be edified.  

Greetings to you in the precious name of Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you so much for you kind concern towards running the preacher training school at Visakhapatnam. Without your help there is no way we can run this school. Please visit Bear Valley’s website to see pictures from the events at Visakha Valley Bible College.

We believe that the Scripture is revealed to us by the inspired men so that the men of God be equipped for every good work. The good work such as teaching, correcting, reproofing and for training in righteousness. We are certainly blessed to have Visakha Valley Bible College to teach the inspired word to the men of God to do every good work of carrying out the gospel to their own people. 

By the grace of God and kind encouragements of the supporting churches we have reached two milestones so far. One is training 16 men in the year 2009-11 and the second is 9 preaching students receiving their Master's Degree from the Bear Valley Bible Institute of Denver, which made the total students sent out to the mission field from our school 25. This is our first Master’s Batch. Now, we reached another milestone, that is sending out another 13 successful students (2011-13) to the mission field.  Our mission of ‘Reaching the un-reached millions’ is absolutely coming true.  

 “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? Rom 10: 14, 15” At this time we honor our mighty God for His kindness and mercy. Now these men are ready to go into the mission field, let us pray that they will be bring glory to the Lord God.

Thank you very much brethren for being part of this accomplishment, we pray that our joint efforts would establish more congregations in this pagan nation. Please share this report with the rest of the brethren.

In Christ,

John Dean Muppidi
Skinner's Garden Bible School
Visakha Valley Bible College
Church of Christ
Andhra Pradesh,  INDIA

Posted on June 9, 2013 .