Joint Service In Togo Demonstrates Unity...

Senghor is seen here teaching the church administration and management class. Until recently, he was a member of the Nyiveme church in Kpalime while teaching in one of the high schools in town. He has been transferred to Lome the capital city.

12 Congregations Organize “Joint Service”
Twelve congregations in the Kpalime area organized a “joint service” to encourage each other in matters pertaining to giving. The service was used to initiate discussions on how to support each other in times of bereavement.

There were three speakers: Cephas spoke on how Christians should prepare to face death, Rodrigue spoke on what brethren are to do when a member is dead. I spoke on giving to prove the sincerity of our love for Christ and His church (2 Cor. 8:8). The meeting was hosted by the Yoh Church of Christ and was attended by 104 adults and 60 children. Total attendance 164.

Three baptisms at Hanyigba
The Lord’s church was planted in this Catholic dominated community near Kpalime. For a while, we thought no one would leave the Catholic Church for the Church of Christ, but Jean Akli a former student of CBS continued to meet with his family and a few friends and relations. This continued for over a year. Jean continued to preach and teach from house to house. After a recent campaign, the number of baptized persons has risen to ten.

Young Lady Responds To Radio Broadcast
A young lady heard the preaching on the radio and followed up to CBS campus for further studies. A student named Nofodji was assigned to conduct the study. At about 9 pm that night she responded to the gospel through baptism. Nofodji baptized the young lady. She now worships with the Nyiveme congregation.

Tutu Campaign Scheduled For July
All is set for a church planting exercise at Tutu, about an hour drive from Kpalime. The goal for this campaign is to move the Beme church to Tutu because they seem to be more receptive and tolerant to the teachings of the New Testament Church. Beme, on the other hand, is predominantly Evangelical Presbyterian. There is a major road that separates the two towns from each other. We have already approached the elders of the town for a plot of land on which we shall put up a shed for our services. We shall need $500.00 for the shed.

Lack of Preacher Support: A Threat to the Growth of the Church in Togo
The plight of eleven former students of CBS has become a great challenge to young men who are contemplating enrolling at CBS for the two year Biblical Studies program. Until recently, all the eleven had been preaching without any form of support. However, four of them have been hired to take care of four newly established congregations near Lome. The problem confronting the preachers stems from the fact that, the churches they preach for are still young and incapable of paying them. The concern of the preachers is that, if they should encourage these young men to go for the training, then they become responsible to find support for them, something the preachers also lack. We are in a difficult situation and therefore need all the help we can get.

The problem is going to be compounded by 15 more preachers coming to join these eleven in September. These men will also lose their support after the graduation in September. However, a couple of men have expressed the desire to attend CBS come September 2013.

New Congregation To Be Planted In Agou Gare
As part of the activities prior to the graduation in September, we have planned to organize a two day seminar at CBS in Kpalime and a three day church planting exercise at Agou Gare near Kpalime. Those who are going to be part of this exercise include: all past students, the graduating class, new students and instructors.

Bible Study with Mr. Sowu
A colleague preacher in Nkwanta recently sent me the name of Mr. Sowu, a business man in Accra. We set up a date to begin our Bible study using “A Few Minutes With Someone Who Loves You.” At the end of this last session, Mr. Sowu made the great confession “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God”.

After the last session of Bible study, I handed the Searching for Truth CD to Mr. Sowu to listen to before Sunday. The final moment came when Sowu approached me after the worship service on Sunday to request baptism.

Sister Louise is Laid to Rest
The late Louise was the wife of Jerome of the Buduburam church of Christ near Accra. This sister has battled with sickness for a couple of years, but in April the Lord called her to rest. Louise and Jerome have three kids. Jerome is one of the preachers at the Church. I was invited to preach the funeral sermon.

Deaf Couple Wed
I had the opportunity recently to officiate a wedding ceremony between Mr. and Mrs. Atepoka. The bride and groom are both deaf and are members of the deaf congregation at Nsawam Road. Sam Williams the deaf minister signed while I did the officiating.

I was able to present the certificate to Mrs. Atepoka, along with officiating ministers, bride and groom and some members of both families.

World Radio Program Makes Impact:  Report from Sem Akumia: HO
During my visit to the Republic of Togo in April I was told that most of the newly baptized in the Akepe church were listeners to our radio broadcast from Ho in Ghana. I understood that they used to converge in one brother’s house early Sunday morning to listen.

In May I also traveled to help in an evangelistic program at Ave-Dzalele and Ave-Ziope. Almost every house we entered with the gospel the occupants wanted to know whether the radio presenter was also part of the team, upon hearing that we were from Church of Christ. I was therefore compelled to visit and have a word with those who wanted to meet me. The campaign ended with twenty-six (26) souls baptized, out of which (8) eight claimed to be regular listeners to the radio program. There are several who have been led to the Lord through the radio broadcast that we may not be privileged to meet, but the word is spreading. We are therefore very grateful to our sponsors for their continuous support. Several will be in heaven because you cared. God bless you.

The Gospel Chariot is Here to Boost Evangelism
The dream of having the Chariot in Ghana became a reality when as of Friday, the 7th of June a team of drivers, management committee and officials of the Silver Star Mercedes met in a short ceremony at their outfit where the truck was finally handed to Church Of Christ.

George Funk, a missionary in South Africa and the founder of the Gospel Chariot Missions, has, in the twenty years of its existence, built two of the Chariots operating in Southern Africa, serving eleven countries. George Funk is highly commended for this kind gesture of providing Ghana with this evangelism tool. On their part, Ghanaians promised to use the Chariot to broaden the borders of God’s kingdom. The Chariot is placed under the oversight of the elders of Nsawam Road Church of Christ. Evans Lartey of Heritage Christian College will coordinate Gospel Chariot Mission in Ghana to be assisted by Martin Oppong of Nsawam Road Church of Christ and Willie Gley of World Bible School.

The Chariot takes only three passengers, but has a sleeping cabin with bed for two, a baptistery, compartment to store, chairs, literature PA system and a large tent. It came equipped with a generator and platform which pulls from underneath the truck. The truck will also be equipped with items such as projector, screen and DVD player.

The three on the truck include two drivers and WBS personnel. It is a great opportunity to have such a tool that has come to enhance our outreach programs and enroll more students for WBS.

The truck will be used for campaigns, WBS seminars, church planting activities and WBS enrollment exercises, tract distribution, etc.

Mars Hill Continues to Make Progress, But Needs Help
On the 10th of September, 2012 Mars Hill started classes with only 13 kids, but today it has recorded 58 kids with several parents contemplating enrolling their kids. It is becoming obvious that very soon we shall have no space to accommodate these kids should the trend continue.

In order to forestall this problem, I have asked the church for a half plot of land to build a temporary wooden structure to house grades 1, 2 and 3 in September when we add these classes. The estimated cost of this structure and furniture is $5,000.00 (five thousand dollars). The ultimate goal of establishing this school is that it will become a tool to evangelize the students who will attend, and parents who for years would be associated with Mars Hill. All these kids are future prospects. With your support this school will develop into a High School from this humble beginning. Since the school started, the church is beginning to experience numerical growth. Partner with me to give these young ones a basic education in a Christian environment.

Blanco Church of Christ P.O. Box 866
Blanco TX. 78606 Tel:830-8334884

Report by: H.Willie Gley
P.O Box An 19611 
Accra North, Ghana 00233244509169

To see Willie’s report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on June 23, 2013 .