Safari For Souls Leading Souls To Christ...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We are well, busy and thankful to be a part of God’s family. We hope the same for each of you as you begin a new week in Him. Our co-workers have arrived! Cotton, Gary and Hannah Box have been busy with Bible studies, working with local evangelist, translators, and Christian brothers and sister from the areawide congregations. The studies are many, the excitement contagious, and the good being done, Heaven only knows. The Hoover group of 15, lead by Sid Aultman and Chuck Webster are here as well, ready to begin the work of reaching the lost with the saving message of the Gospel.

Today Cotton and Gary taught and preached at the newly planted White Rose congregation. Chuck and Grant Webster taught and preached at Kwa Mrombo. As we reflected on the morning, Cotton mentioned, “father-son” teaching and preaching at both congregations. What an amazing testimony to the “scriptural home” as God would have it! Thank you Cotton and Chuck for leading your families in the way of the Lord and for the good example you have lead for so many.

I received a short note from our brother Josephat Massawe, evangelist for the Kilimanjaro congregation and director for the Moshi Bible School.

“Dear brothers in Christ, It is our hope that you all are doing well with this great work of love. We also continue to thank Him for great things and opportunities that he grants  us. I can remember sometime ago I had offered request of prayer on behalf of our young Christian sister, Christina. She obeyed while she was three months pregnant. Being suffering from miscarriages before, she was nervous that she might lose the baby prematurely. But with prayer God helped her to carry it through normal delivery. She had had three consecutive loses before her baptism but now she is happy nursing her baby as well as enjoying the wonderful fellowship in the body of Christ. The second item is Christina and her young sister Joyce whom we studied with, is very close to obey the gospel. Stephen Masas and his wife who have been attending services for about seven month, they have come the the knowledge of truth and his wife Georgina is ready for baptism this Sunday. We thank you all for caring about God’s work and for your prayers. May God bless you richly.”

We are reminded daily of God’s love and protection in our lives. We ask of each of you to join us in this month of Safari for Souls campaigns and outreach efforts. With your prayers, God’s providential care, and the power of His Word, we know great things await us. We are willing, able and busy about His Kingdom’s work. We know without you, this would simply not be the case. Thank you, God be with you all, and may He have His way in each of our lives to His glory and to the saving of many souls.

Please remember our sister Kathy Minor who suffered a heart attack this past week, under went surgery and is now recovering. Also our sister Soneia Galloway who is to begin chemo treatment in the coming days. Also please remember our new missionaries Nathan (graduate of Bear Valley) and Jessica McVeigh as they continue to travel this way. They were due in this morning at 1am, but due to weather have been delayed and are due in tomorrow morning at 3 am. Pray for this family as they adjust and begin their work in the Kingdom. 

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on June 2, 2013 .