Remembering The Reason For The Work...

Monday is a day in the U.S. known as Memorial Day. This day is one of remembrance, remembering men and women who have died while serving in the Armed Forces. While Americans are spending time remembering family, friends and loved ones who served in the Armed Forces, it is also a day where we express appreciation for the freedoms enjoyed because of the lives lost while defending this country.

As I consider the purpose behind this holiday, I am reminded of the spiritual freedom Christians have because of the life that was given by our Savior. As well, we remember His sacrifice each week and we express our gratitude for what we enjoy because of the love that was demonstrated on a cross at Calvary. Victory is ours because of the victory He gained over death through the power of the resurrection.

The result of this freedom is what motivates our actions in sharing the good news with others, and it is why we are involved in partnering with wonderful brethren around the world in training men to preach the gospel. There is a great excitement that accompanies this work as we read about students who are bringing souls to Christ.

This work is also possible because of wonderful brethren throughout this country who are dedicated to the mission of God. They give of their time, money, and abilities to make sure the success of this work continues. Together, Christians are working side by side to advance the cause of our Lord. Thank you for placing your trust in God and your confidence in us in preparing brethren to fulfill the Great Commission.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Donnie Bates was in Paraguay last week. Read his latest report here.

Extension Reports 

Preachers’ Wives Seminar A Great Success: In preparing the wives of students at CBIW, a seminar in Cameroon is helping grow the kingdom.

Graduation And Lectureship At ITL: The recent events in Guatemala highlight the second graduation from ITL and their 5th Annual Lectureship.

Short Courses About To Begin At SWSE: Students in Nigeria are about to take a course in Leadership, as well as, Marriage and Family.

Library, Campaign, And Short Courses In Liberia: The library is growing as students also participate in a campaign and study through two short courses.

Love, Generosity, And Sacrificial Giving: The example of good brethren who are helping the work in Tanzania highlights what the work is all about. 

Final Thoughts
The generosity demonstrated by each of you is an incredible sight to see. I am thankful to be part of loving brethren who see the need for extension training. Your love for the Lord, His people, and the lost of the world are what help fulfill God’s mission. The saving message of Jesus is being seen in deed and heard through the preaching of the gospel. The kingdom is growing and I am thankful to share in it.

God bless

Posted on May 26, 2013 .