Pray For The Loss In Chimala...

Student Killed by Motorcycle 

2nd Grade Chimala Mission Primary School Student

Prayers needed for family and school,

On Friday, May 10, one of our 2nd grade students at the Chimala Mission Primary School was walking with her class to a sports match at a neighboring school. She was struck by a motorcycle and killed on the side of the road. By the time help arrived to the scene, it was too late for the girl.  

We ask for prayers for the family of the student. Also, we ask that you pray for the teachers and staff of the primary school due to this tragedy. We have escorted the body, along with family and teachers, to the funeral site.

Life is always full of unexpected twists and turns. Life is not always what we expect. However, our faith in our holy God must remain steady and true even when the unthinkable happens.

Chad Wagner

Posted on May 19, 2013 .