Campaign In Ghana Brings Souls To Christ...

The Campaign for Christ at Ampenyi is one of two campaigns on our school calendar for this year.  One campaign is to establish the Lord’s church in a town where there is none. And the second is to work with an existing church in personal evangelism, visitation, and Gospel meetings.

Ampenyi, is a coastal town between Komenda and Elimina in The Central Region of Ghana. The main denominational churches in town are Catholic, Methodist, Church of Christ –Spiritual Movement (SM), The Twelve Apostle Church, and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The team was made up of four instructors -- Charles Mensah, Charles Arthur, Joshua Aidoo and Daniel Ampadu-Asiamah. Matthew Ackah, an instructor, who could not be on the team, was saddled with the care of a severely ill aged mother. Also on the team were sixteen of our students. Two were ill and could not go with us; one was called home to take care of his wife who was very ill and their young children, and a fourth student had been called up north to his father who is bed-ridden with illness. Additionally, we had our two cooks, a leading brother (Tandoh) from Effiakuma church in Takoradi, and Philip Nyan, a former student now preaching at Tarkwa. Philip provided chauffeur services for the campaign –transporting people, and equipment and taking the cooks to shop for groceries. The wives of Charles Mensah and Tandoh came a couple of days to assist the cooks.

We arrived at Ampenyi Monday evening, March 18. There was power outage ( a regular happening in Ghana today) and so we could not preach that night. We arranged for a standby generator the next day which became handy for the rest of the days at Ampenyi.

Work began in earnest Tuesday morning and from then till Saturday we did personal evangelism in the mornings and afternoons and open-air preaching at night. By Sunday night we have baptized 19 precious souls with whom to start the church at Amenyi. On Saturday afternoon and evening two instructors and five of the students left to fulfill various obligations they had in their congregations.

On The Lord’s Day morning, our worship attendance consisted of 25 men, 8 women, 4 children totaling 37. Eight of our new brethren were in attendance; two were ill and could not attend; four had travelled out before Sunday and three worshipped in nearby towns where they resided. Our giving was GHC 108.50 (USD 57.0)

All the baptisms were done in the ocean.

After church on Sunday, we gathered with the new Christians at our place of lodging and shared our lunch with them and used the opportunity to exhort them further to faithfully and fervently serve the Lord.

We are thankful to God for the opportunity and for the precious souls that were won for Christ, and for our faith strengthened in God and His Word. Also we are thankful to The Effiakuma church contributed GHC 1,000 (USD 526) to the campaign, and to all of you who constantly pray for us.

After the campaign, we allowed a recess of one week which included the Easter holidays. Classes began this week with the short courses taught by Charles Mensah and Joshua Aidoo. Next week God willing, Matthew and I will be teaching our assigned short courses. Thereafter, school will be over for the second term.

I have enjoyed some good health for the past couple of weeks. I am able to walk without much pain. My daughters have sent me a pair of forearm crutches and a walking stick (cane) from London. The cane will do for now and I will visit the rehab center to have it reduced to fit.  

Just about when I am getting better, a great brother and colleague of mine, Kingsley Adu, an elder of the Bomso church in Kumasi was rushed to the hospital Wednesday with a stroke. I solicit your prayers for him. We need him healthy and strong in the church in times like these.

Yes, Brethren pray for us... The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. –1Thes. 5:25, 28.

Your servant for Jesus’ sake,
Daniel Ampadu-Asiamah

If you would like to see Daniel's report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on April 14, 2013 .