One Amazing Campaign In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from this end, and we do hope you are all doing great in whatsoever you are doing in your family and the congregation. The week went on well as we were anticipating a welcome of our students back to school after their campaign in different locations and vacation with their families.

God is so kind. As I write this e-mail 26 students are already on campus ready to start their lectures tomorrow, April 1, for the second quarter. One student is still pending to arrive, news reaching us is that he lost the grandmother.

Sister Emilia obeyed the gospel in Mbouda. Please keep them in your prayers.

We are thankful to God for their safe arrival, even though some returned with sickness. God is in control. The reports they brought from different locations are amazing. We sent them to 20 villages to preach and teach, but they went beyond that as they heard the calls from nearby congregations to come over to them and help. This makes CBIW different and very popular in the few years of its existence in Cameroon. Our students and staff enter into places that have been abandoned. Many congregations are dying because there is no one to preach and nurture them. Many continue to praise God for Bear Valley and their visions for the extension program. This program is working well by His grace here in Cameroon. Come and join us do greater things here for the Lord’s glory.

I was able to preach in the morning and also welcome our students back on campus after their campaign and vacation.

Brothers Nguoe Thierry and Mbappe went on house to house evangelism in the community of Mbouda, purely a French speaking community.

Brother Mbappe Guy, our student, was able to preach and pray for sick people in the hospital in that community. Many will go to hospital visits with items to give out, but as a student the director of the hospital gave them the permission to preach and teach without any goods. He praised them for their effort and said the scriptures are life.

Brother Yannick went to Manyemen village. This village is far from Wotutu, and the congregation there was almost collapsed because there was no one to preach for the church. I received lots of appreciation from them, as they shouted that God has heard their prayer as CBIW thought of them and sent a student evangelist to help them.

Brother Yannick sat with the leaders of the congregation, teaching them Personal Evangelism. Our motto impacted those who by His grace pass through us as we trust in evangelism for the growth of the church. “Evangelism is our mission and our mission is evangelism.”

The Lord added souls during this campaign. We pray those on the ground will continue to do the follow up as we shall be involved in weekend evangelism in those areas to continue with the nurturing for maturity.

The Manyemen congregation which was near collapse is now revived because of our efforts of evangelism this past two weeks. Keep this congregation in your prayers for them to remain in the Lord as we continue to prepare the way till a permanent preacher be there. Who will go forth and how will it work? Those are the questions we ask ourselves as we travel up and down the country for mission work.

During the Lord’s Supper, some in the Wotutu congregation will take and bend their heads down to meditate and thank God for Jesus. Our congregation continues to grow.







Number of villages involved - 23

Number of studies on house to house - many

Number of baptism - 53

Number of restoration - 51

Number of congregations revived - 3

Number of new congregation established - 1

The campaign this time around amazed me a lot as five broken families were reconciled and restored back to the fold. These families, in different locations, part ways because of the truth, as the husband refused many years ago for the wife to worship with the church of Christ. Our students met them and shared the gospel on house to house and discovered them, exposed the truth to them and reconciled them back and also restored them back to the congregation as the husband also accepted the truth with tears.

1) We are starting full fledge classes tomorrow. There is no time to waste.

2) We shall move to Batoke village this weekend to preach and teach and see if they will be increased and a new congregation will be established there.

We thank you for all your prayers and support. We thank God for using you in the way He is using you in our ministries, that is our preaching, CBIW, and also Brightland Christian academy. Please do your best to share our reports with others who may also love to be part of our work. God bless you and watch over you and your family and the church.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director of CBIW

Posted on March 31, 2013 .