Growth In Cambodia As 5 Obey The Gospel...

Greetings brothers and sisters in Christ!

What an eventful month for us here in Siem Reap, Cambodia. First we had Joe Hickey and his group come to encourage the work here and in the villages with aid and teachings on how to farm and grow crops. Joe and another elder named Paul also taught on the qualifications of being an elder in the church. Not only did these men teach how to help us physically but topped it off by teaching things necessary for our spiritual growth. We love their example and care that they continuously show us year after year by their support and sacrifice. 

Then we had our brothers from Bear Valley, Wes and Mike, who spent an entire 2 weeks away from their families and home to impart wisdom from the word of God for the staff and students of IBISR. What a tremendous job they did in providing much needed nourishment for us! This year has been such a blessing so far and I can’t thank God enough for how he does these things for me personally as well as for the local church. As a result of all the activities since the start of the new school year back in September, to Justin and Trent coming in January and then Joe and his group in February, and finally Wes and Mike leaving in the beginning of March, we had a total of 5 new souls converted to Christ! Notice that I didn’t say 5 baptisms, but 5 converted to Christ, meaning these individuals didn’t just get baptized for the sake of baptism, but they truly spent time in the word and observed us as a local church for a period of time before believing that what we say and do is in accordance to God's word! These conversions are a product of what we do as a church and the credit belongs to what we teach at IBISR, verse by verse, the word of God. You may think 5 conversions? That's it? For all the time and money that was sent in support and all you report back is 5 conversions? In India and other parts of the world there are hundreds of baptisms in one month! And I would respond “Amen” to that and glory to God for the increase. 

I would also remind you all of what Jesus spoke on the value of ONE soul found in Matt 16:26. Giving the increase is God's business. Our business is sowing and watering the seed and that we are doing! We ask that you continue to pray for the work here and for it's continual success in winning souls for Christ! We will do the same for you in your part of the world!

Please continue to pray for our new brothers and sisters in Christ in their daily walk with Christ!


Please click here to see pictures of these new converts in Phanat’s report.

Posted on March 17, 2013 .