Students Prepare For Campaign In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

May amazing grace fall on you as you read this report. I do hope you are doing well in health and the family is healthy as well as the church. We praise God from all blessing flow. It is great on our side as we continue to enjoy good health and in CBIW, but for some few in the Wotutu congregation that are not sound in health.

I gave the students last minute instructions on what is expected of them in the mission field as they go door to door, house to house in different communities preaching and teaching. Keep them in your prayers. The two short courses Scheme of Redemption and Personal Evangelism 1 helped prepare them for this campaign. This campaign is taking our students to 20 communities both in French and English speaking communities all over Cameroon. Where ever the gospel is calling we shall go. Keep their travels and the work ahead of them in your prayers.

The first quarter in CBIW draws to an end today concerning all class work, as I write this mail to you. Students left Wotutu today after worship, and some will leave tomorrow to 20 different communities to preach and teach. One of these communities is strategy, because if the Lord wills, then a new congregation will be establish in Ebonimi village far away from Wotutu. We are going there through the demand of a brother who said, “come over to my village and help me establish a congregation of the Lord’s body.” Keep us in your prayers as we shall report about the progress subsequently.

The work in Brightland Christian Academy is growing well as the students know that “all learning without playing makes Jack a dull boy. Every Friday immediately after their morning devotions they will do sport, as their preacher stands behind them watching them develop in many skills. Oh keep this school in your prayers and you thoughts.

Visitors keep coming to our congregation as they listen to our early programBack to the Bible. After worship CBIW students will sit with them studying more with them, listen to their numerous questions on what they hear over the radio, and what they will see in our worship. They are also cautious about modesty in dressing when they come to worship God, like one who visited today.

Praise God our graduates are doing their best in their respective congregations as they serve as evangelist. This is brother Mulango Theophile in his small congregation is Kossala 2 , this is a young congregation that he is helping it grow, I was with him and others over the weekend as they had their first ALUMNI meeting since they graduated in Dec 20th 2012. Keep them in your prayers because of the zeal and passion for souls to be save .

The entire CBIW alumni had their meeting in brother Mulango’s congregation in Kossala. Every month they will meet in one of the graduate’s congregations for four days to evangelize and then on the last day they will have a meeting to talk about successes and failures in their different congregations and help one another with possible solutions. I was there with them yesterday and admired it and I prayed that God should continue helping these brothers to do great things so as to change the face of the church of Christ in Cameroon. The Lord added two souls and one brother who had fallen away was discovered who came into that community from another one and thought the church of Christ was not there, so he stayed him at home. They were excited with raised thumbs, knowing “we are not alone.” This statement was common on their lips while in CBIW and it continues to help them move ahead. Please keep them in your prayers and thoughts. It is not easy with them to do their work.

Evangelist Itali and evangelist Elangwe stood outside the new congregation in Mile 4 which is about 2 miles away from Wotutu. Both of us are graduates in NCI School of preaching in Nigeria and we are still very close working hand in hand to expand the shores of the gospel of Jesus in Cameroon. Please thank you for praying for the work going on here.

We shall do a survey of new areas in the Southwest region in Cameroon to take the gospel of Jesus and help souls come out of darkness. The Idenau and Batoke communities will be touched within this time before we resume classes in CBIW on the 30th of March 2013.

God bless you. Thank you and thank you again for your prayers and support to make this ministry reach this level. Please pray because more is still to be done. Continue to help us and the glory will go back to the Lord. Only God will reward you from all your selfless sacrifice because of the old rugged cross. As you think souls you will go to rob from the strong man’s house .

Evangelist Elangwe and family
By His grace director of CBIW

Posted on March 10, 2013 .