Hello everyone. This is a week of great news as we are at the Freed-Hardeman Lectureship. I love the opportunity of hearing some uplifting lessons and spending time getting reacquainted with many wonderful friends. This is also a great week to visit with some of the staff in the Extension Program about various areas of the work. All in all, this is a wonderful time for God’s people to grow in fellowship and service to Him.
I also enjoyed the opportunity on Sunday to participate in the annual Mission’s Day at the Greenbrier Church of Christ. This congregation has a very special place in my heart, as I preached there for almost 11 years before moving to Denver to be involved in the Bible Institute. The brethren have always touched my life in very special ways, and to share in this annual event of focusing on missions is special. Even through the most challenging times in their history, they find ways to continue an emphasis on missions. Since the beginning of my preparation for ministry in 1990 their influence has helped me to stay mission minded. Thank you.
This week’s report continues to show the blessings of God in giving the increase around the world, as students work to reach out to people each week. I love reading about their diligence in sharing the great news of our Lord. As they remain faithful to the task of sowing the seed, God is faithful to fulfill his promise in giving the increase. I believe you will also enjoy reading about the wonderful news.
This week is also one where we said goodbye to one of the great men in the brotherhood. He was not as famous as others might have been, but his influence has affected the lives of thousands, if not millions around the world. Joe Spaulding preached the gospel for almost 75 years before the Lord called him home this past week. I have known and loved Joe for the past 25 years and I look forward to seeing him again. I believe it is worth the drive from Denver, just to hear him pray. Thank you Joe for your example and influence on my life.
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports:
Serious Business Of Training Preachers: As students continue their studies in Cameroon, they are learning the serious nature of training to preaching.
Hard Working Teachers And Students: Although they have worked hard, the results of their work has produced fruit for the Lord in Chimala.
Classes Resume In Togo: January brought the beginning of new classes for the Center of Biblical Studies in Kpalime, Togo.
Uganda Lectureship Reaches Several: A recent lectureship in Busia, Uganda hosted guests from Uganda and Kenya.
Encouragement For Cambodian Workers: Visitors from the US provided a great deal of encouragement to the staff and students in Cambodia.
Final Thoughts
Nothing in life is greater than being able to see others come to the Lord and surrender their life to Him. Second to this is knowing we have opportunity of sharing in this kingdom work together. I am thankful to you and for you. Whether we ever see each other again or not, it will be worth it all when we are able to see each other in heaven. I look forward to that day.
God bless