The second quarter at CBI starts tomorrow with a full round of classes such as Exodus and Leviticus, How we Got the Bible, Personal Evangelism and Ezekiel and Daniel and a full round of English classes. The full round of short courses will start in April with an international group of teachers coming to teach for a solid month. We are so proud of our students and their hard work as well as our dedicated staff of teachers.
We returned for the Freed-Hardeman Lectureship this year where the week begin with a staff meeting with the Bear Valley Bible Institute leaders, Dr. Denny Petrillo and Bob Turner as well as other staff and instructors about the work in East Africa. It is so rewarding to see the full corporation between us and the overseeing congregation of the mission, the New York Avenue Church of Christ, in the training of preachers in the most competent way. I am always impressed at the spirit of corporation and commitment to the “training of Preachers” around the world the leadership and staff of Bear Valley has to the works they partner with around the world.
We also made contacts and, as of this time, we are close to raising full student support for the school. One of the trills of being a Bear Valley Bible Institute Coordinator and the Director of CBI is meeting people all over the brotherhood who, as they hear of the work, are interested in giving to see the Lord’s cause prosper. One young couple came to me recently and wanted to support three students a year. I was privileged to speak at the combined Riverbend and Highland congregation in Georgia and their interest in the work has always been so rewarding. There is never a time I have ever spoken there that people did not give me Bible’s, shirts for the students, or candy for the children to hand out on the weekend evangelism trips.
We are having a big congregational fellowship to focus on the work at Chimala Bible Institute this spring. A college class in Rossville, Georgia has informed me they want to support some of our students and started collecting supplies for the school. I have been so blessed to get to know that hard working congregation and their support is so richly appreciated. I am constantly amazed and blessed to be working with these fine brethren. The next few weeks we will continue to be on the road with that aspect of the work.
We have spoken to Remmy, our Dean of the English program and Ezekiel our Evangelism recorder to get the teachers and staff ready to start the second quarter. Last week the students continued not only their academic training, but also their practical church work. They have been working on the weekends at Mbozi, Mbeya, and Kitekelo. Four of the students are working every weekend with Peter Kamatula, who is doing full time evangelistic work in Mbeya. Because of this weekend effort there were three baptisms and nine restorations. Yes, the work goes on both sides of the world at the Chimala Bible Institute. As the report from Chimala mentioned “Let us keep on praying for each other because the devil is always unhappy when he hears this.”
Garry L. Hill
BVBID Extension Coordinator
Director: Chimala Bible Institute