The first two weeks of February were spent with special classes at the Nepal Center For Biblical Study, and a campaign to three village congregations, teaching, discussing, and answering questions regarding Christ’s church.
Brothers Mike York and Ritchie Everet, an elder and member of the Church of Christ in Buna, Texas, came to teach and minister for two weeks. Four lessons each day [Monday to Thursday] were taught and discussed about numerous areas pertaining to the church and it’s proper importance and place in our lives. Our five students, along with about twenty-five invited preachers and leaders, enjoyed the lessons and learned many things during these four days. They also formed loving and respectful relationships with one another and with their brothers from Texas.
A six-day campaign added so much more to those relationships of fellowship, unity, and love because of the very nature of the closeness of their time together. Ritchie and Mike taught approximately half of the classes in the villages. The other classes were provided by their own local leaders, who attended the classes in Kathmandu, and by our five students. The local members learned from the lessons and were greatly encouraged to see the progress in their Nepali brothers. Sharing the hospitality of the Christians, having meals together, evening devotionals, hiking some hills, wading some rivers, and ten men sleeping on the floor and snoring together are bonding memories.
Saying good-bye included many expressions of thanks from everyone, a lot of laughter, and tears on many cheeks. Everyone associated with these two weeks will look back with thoughts of thankfulness, praise, and love, while they also look forward to our next meeting in God’s loving providence.
In Christian love and service ………………….
Jerry Golphenee