A Challenge Worth Meeting...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We hope and we pray this Short Report finds you well, blessed and serving faithfully. We are good, busy, blessed and thankful for the privileges we share in Christ Jesus. 

During the month of October, I was in the States presenting God’s Tanzania 2000 Mission effort with many. We “Challenged” those I met with needs we have that we might reach as many souls as possible with God’s Good News, the Gospel. 

One “Challenge” was for funds to purchase 2,500 Bibles to distribute during 2014. You answered with an overwhelming “yes we can!” Of the needed $15,000 we have received all but $2,500. 

Another “Challenge” was to provide sponsors for a hopeful total of 30 new students for the 2014 intake at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching. Again, you met the “Challenge” whole heartily. We have Sponsors for all 30 students! Thank you and we thank our God for you. 

Another “Challenge” was the replacing of $800 a month in support, $400 for the Stafford family and another $400 for the Mwakabanje family. Our good brother and sister at the Hoover church of Christ has graciously replaced the $400 for the Stafford’s, now we only lack the $400 for the Mwakabanje family. 

Just when we thought it could not get any better, it did. We have a $5,000 matching commitment from an amazing couple in Oklahoma for the purpose of printing Bible Tracts and for the printing of Bible Correspondence Courses. So, here is the “Challenge:” We want to “Challenge” you with a little “Competition” by States. If you are, say, from the State of Mississippi and you donate $100 toward this printing “Challenge” I will report every Monday and ever Fridat, State by State, (until the $5,000 matching funds are met). The Prize will be a special prayer from the Tanzania 2000 Mission Team for a very special blessing in your life from our Heavenly Father! God knows your needs, your desires and wants to bless you. So, what “State” will be known as THE “Giving” State? CO, MS, TN, AL, TX, VA, GA, NJ, LA, OH,.....? Now remember, it is OK to exceed the $5,000 challenge, the more we print, the more souls that will hear/read of the love of God and of His abundant mercy.

Stephanie and I understand the power of the “printed page” and are committing the first $100! With this one donation, matched with another $100 for a total of $200, we can print 10,000 Bible Tacts. Each Bible Tract given to a soul in a developing country will be read by 15-30 souls. Imagine, reaching 15 to 30 thousands souls with the Gospel for as little as $200. 

Now, if you are reading this and desire to participate in this challenge I ask that you let me know by emailing and letting me know what State you are from and how much you are donating. Your donation can be sent to Bear Valley with a note: TZ2000 Missions/Printing Challenge. Thank you all and may your holiday season be all you hoped it would be and may our God use you to bless the life of some lost soul. We love you and we thank you for your part in the “preaching and teaching” of the Gospel here in East Africa. 

In Him, 

Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on December 8, 2013 .