The Greatest Force On Earth Is Changing Eternity...

The power of gospel is the greatest force on earth: the power to turn darkness into light, the power to bring salvation to the lost. The force of the gospel is what makes the task of training preachers even more exciting. The beauty of witnessing the growth of men who are involved in taking the power of the gospel to their own people is astonishing and exciting.

The second quarter of the school year in Denver ends this week. Students will have a short break before continuing in their studies in January. The first of the year will also bring another class of students who will begin their journey in preparing to preach the gospel. We ask each of you to be praying for these new students, as well as, the two students who complete their studies and will begin a new work in the kingdom.

The reports this week are also filled with students in several of the extension schools who are completing another quarter of their studies. The first of the year will bring new classes and new opportunities to reach others with the gospel. The power of God’s word at work in the lives of so many around the world continues to demonstrate why the future of extension training looks so good. We are thankful for the opportunity to participate as fellow-workers in the kingdom.

Your prayers are needed and appreciated. Please read through the reports and consider how humbling it is to see men serving in adverse circumstances to share the power of the gospel with others, and read the results.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is

Extension Reports 

What Is God Doing In Togo? Just Read This: There are 28 souls who are now part of the Lord’s kingdom as a result of the work these preachers are doing in Togo.

An Alumni Update From Uganda: Graduates from the Uganda School of Evangelism provide reports about their work near Busia.

Three Day Preaching Trip In Nigeria: Challenges with transportation resulted in a more localized three day preaching trip in Nigeria.

17 New Souls In Tanzania: The result of the camp in Tanzania this past week resulted in seventeen souls being added to the kingdom. 

The Tanzania Chronicle: The Hochdorf Report: The news from Sean is exciting as the work in Arusha involves the Tanzania Christian Camp.

Final Thoughts
We want to close with a note of appreciation. With all that you could be doing, all of you have chosen to be involved in this work. Thank you! We are thankful for your love for the Lord, for the lost, for the church, and for the work of training preachers. We love you and pray for you each day.

God bless

Posted on December 15, 2013 .