17 New Souls In Tanzania...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

We pray the Lord is blessing you with the strength, courage and resolve to continue the faithful walk to His glory and to the saving of the lost of this world. We are good on this side of the “big pond,” blessed beyond measure. 

An amazing event has come to an end. This years Tanzania Christian Camp was a grand success on many levels. There was a lot of rain this year (camp week), but in no way did it dampen the spirits of those involved. Thank you John Rice and Ben Thompson for a job well done. John’s wife, Denise and son John also joined this year’s camp. 

Between 80 and 90 campers came from many sister congregations to join in the spiritual feast, fellowship and fun. Camp here is different than most in America in this one way, the camper ages range from 15 to 25 years of age. Today at the end of worship a young man from the newly planted White Rose congregation, who attended camp last week, became the 17th soul to obey the Gospel. What a week, 17 new Christians. Amen! 

So many good things took place this past week during camp. It was great to see our local brothers and sisters jump in and do whatever was needed. Our dear sisters in Christ from many of our sister congregations volunteered their time and talents, cooking for close to 120 each day. One of the “highlights” was when Anita pointed out the fact that many of those who lead in the one-on-one Bible studies were the young men who had attended previous “Future Preacher’s Training Camp.” The missionary wives pitched in and did a good work. For example, for movie night Stephanie provided the movie and, yes, the pop-corn. She spent over 5 hours, non-stop, in the kitchen popping corn. I’m tired just writing about it! Each night of the camp, the missionary takes turns providing the treat of the night, thanks so much my sisters in Christ! 

As things often go here in Tanzania, we have been without power many days and we have been without internet for four days. So, if you have written and are awaiting a reply, stand by! Prayerfully, tomorrow (Monday) they will fix the problem. I am sending this report out via a remote location. The good news, we have rains and that means we have water! God is so good, all the time. 

Update: We were unable to get out an update on our Bible Tract challenge on Friday due to the fact we had no internet access. So, here goes: We have a new leader (sorry Mississippi), with a most generous donation of $500 from a good brother in the Lebanon, Tennessee area. Tennessee is now “the most generous giver thus far. Welcome aboard Arkansas, you are now on the list of “generous” and you are ahead of Kentucky! We now have $779 toward our target of $5,000. Remember, we still have 16 days to take advantage of the most amazing offer of $5,000 in matching funds. 

Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established” [Proverbs 16.3]

We thank you all and we pray our God will bless you in a very special way as this year comes to a close. 

In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on December 15, 2013 .