Quarter Ends And Evangelism Begins In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

Shalom from your brothers and sisters in Wotutu Cameroon. We do hope this mail meets you, your family and the entire congregation doing great. We are doing our best here, even though many continue to struggle with health conditions.

Last week was great and busy as the students of CBIW were writing their last long courses exams for their first year of studies. Thank you for your prayers to God on their behalf.

Immediately after the exams some students were ready to go to 7 different locations for weekend evangelism. God took them and brought them back safe and sound with great news of His power over His work in those locations.

CBIW students traveled with me and minister Itali, whose course was the last long course to be taken during the exams. We posed for a family picture, saying we are not alone. It is clear we are not alone, because God is standing by us and you are also there. We thank you and pray you continue to stand with us to accomplish God’s mission in our lives and our land.

We always welcome our visitors as we did during our worship this morning during announcement. We had 4 visitors stand and introduce themselves to us. Our program “Back to the Bible” keeps making waves as many listen to the gospel message early in the morning in their homes through our PA system, or as we call it, a community radio.

I was able to preach God’s word. What a great privilege to be a happy slave for the Lord, serving the Lord with joy and joy.

Brother Etah Edwin appreciated sister Alice on behalf of the entire student body for her great gestures towards the students. She brought cooked food from a faraway congregation to Wotutu to visit the students of CBIW. She did the same last year during the alpha batch, she is touched to see preachers discharging their job with joy even in the situations that many preachers in Cameroon find themselves. Keep her in your prayers to continue with such love for the gospel and the cross.

I was also able to share with the students in the dormitory, as she brought us fufu and vegetables. It was delicious and we committed her in God’s hands and to receive the desires of her heart.

The Lord added a soul in our one week old congregation in Down Beach, Limbe. It is amazing every day in our eyes as we see what the Lord is doing in this work. The work in Batoke village witnessed an increase from little children who came today to worship, but their parents didn’t come after Saturday evangelism, whereby they accepted to come but failed. The children (6 of them) came and were happy to be in the church. We shall follow the interest of these little children to penetrate their parents who were receptive to listen to the message. Bafia village, which is the congregation we revived less than a month ago, is now witnessing a great increase as our brother Johnson was restored and 8 of his neighbors came and worshiped with the church of Christ to see how on earth people can worship without mechanical instruments. They were amazed to enjoy vocal singing for the first time today. Please keep this congregation in your prayers. Today they worshiped for the very first time with 26 souls. What a God we serve. God is blessing the work here. Thank you for your prayers and your deep concern.

1) Tomorrow, all the students in CBIW will rest and prepare for the annual gospel Lectureship which will be held in Tombel, far away from Wotutu Village. A hired van will take some students while some will go to other congregations where we are nurturing for follow up and evangelism. Keep our travels in your prayers.

2) This week on Saturday we shall welcome brother Ralph and wife, sister Cindy, in Wotutu who will be here to teach a short course on Galatians, while sister Cindy will organize a ladies day on Saturday 7th for the ladies in our congregation here and other congregations. Keep their travels in your prayers.

God bless you and keep you for all your love for the old rugged cross. We appreciate God daily on your behalf for accepting and allowing the Lord to use you the way He is using you to accomplish His work here. You are in our prayers, along with your entire family and your friends who are hearing about us through you and your entire congregation.

Do your best to continue to share this report with others.

Elangwe and family

By His grace director CBIW

Posted on November 24, 2013 .