Powerful Influence Of A Mother In East Africa...

Greetings Fellow Servants, 

We greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in His great might. You remain in our prayers often, knowing our God hears and is more than able to fulfill all your needs. We are most grateful for your prayers and support. God continues to do a might work here in East Africa. 

Jimmy and I are blessed to be here in the city of Kisumu, Kenya, teaching in our sister school (the Kenya School of Preaching), directed by our good brother Charles Ogutu. Today was a very special day indeed. I had to amazing privilege of traveling upcountry with Charles, Obadiah and Raymond (all graduates of the ACSOP). These three men of God are taking the Master’s classed being taught by Jimmy. 

We left around 07:45 heading west toward Charles’ home area of Bungasi, Kenya. We drove for just over two hours. Our travels took us around the Northeastern part of Lake Victoria. About mid-way we crossed the Equator. As we drove Charles began telling “his story” and the many congregations the Lord has used him to revive, convert to the truth and establish. He told of the most amazing evangelist he has ever known. This evangelist taught him the Gospel and had the greatest influence on him, helping him to become the evangelist he is becoming. This amazing evangelist was his mother! Yes, his mother. He said she helped start many congregations throughout his life and demonstrated God’s love and desire for all to hear. Thank God for godly mothers!

We arrived to a very nice and very neat building. It has a dirt floor, walls made of sticks and mud, no windows, but they did have a tin roof! When Charles came to the ACSOP in 2004 he left a congregation of 15-20 souls. A year after graduation he began working with his home congregation and today we worshiped our God with a full house of over 100 souls. 

Next door was a small building that housed the school he began, beginning with eight students, teaching them that they might in turn fill the pulpits of the 10 plus new congregations the Lord had established through this man of God. The school continues teaching God’s Word by our good brother Vincent, another of our graduates. 

Space does not allow to tell the “whole” story, but know this: your prayers and support of the Andrew Connally School of Preaching and the Tanzania 2000 mission effort as a whole are having God’s desire accomplished here in East Africa in a way only God could accomplish. We are but two of the 18 school around the world the Bear Valley School of Biblical Studies in Denver, CO work with. Can you imagine the good being done? 

Two other amazing examples are Clement Murungu and Michael Losotwa. These two men are working together at Karatu, TZ. Recently, using Wold Bible School material, three teachers have obeyed the Gospel. The congregation is also in the process of securing some church property for the building of a future meeting house. We thank our good brothers and sister at the Mayfield, AL congregation and for our dear brother and sister from Hoover, AL for making this possible. We are short $1,000 to “close the deal.” If anyone can help, in part or in whole, we say thank you dearly. Till all have heard.....

In Him, 

Cy, Stephanie & Granny

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Posted on November 24, 2013 .