Back In Tanzania And The Work Continues To Grow...

Report: 9-30-13

"Whoever does not receive you, nor heed your words, as you go out of that house or that city, shake the dust off your feet." Matt. 10:14

Dear Co-Laborers:

Short-term workers. Today we said "Good-bye" to Neil and Peyton Richey, Skip Slatton and Cary Olgesby. Neil taught ''I Corinthians" at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching and preached at three congregations. Peyton also gave a short lesson. Skip and Cary worked daily conducting Bible studies in Kwa Mrombo and Monduli and also preached at congregations. Cary said he now understood why foot-washing was important in Bible times.  It seems the dust is at an all time high.

At Kisongo today, Abigail taught the children (about 30 in number of all ages) about "The Birth of Jesus." In the ladies' class, Trina taught Philippians chapter 1 focusing on "For Me to Live is Christ." Jimmy taught a great lesson on "The Bible" ( Inspiration, Infallibility and Authority of). Allen, from Wales (UK) visited our services upon the invitation of Ziaka (our former guard).

"Here am I." After noticing the Lazeli Boarding School's ad for a Bible/History teacher, Lindsey volunteered to teach Bible (using the World Bible School correspondence courses). This all-girls school consists of English-speaking students.         

"Cuttin' Up." That's what Heather and Candace were doing one whole day this week when our co-missionary, Stephanie Stafford, asked for their assistance in preparing material for the upcoming VBS at Mosquito River. They loved being asked to help and enjoyed cutting out hundreds of Pharaoh and Moses' heads plus tongues and eyes.                                 

While on furlough, we reported to 33 congregations, attended "Polishing the Pulpit" and toured the Creation Museum (courtesy of the Huntingdon, TN congregation). Trina and the girls spoke to two ladies classes.  We're grateful to Lisa Coy at  Huntingdon who arranged it for us there. Also, Patricia Russell asked Trina to speak to the ladies at Panama Street in Montgomery, AL. Trina was especially encouraged by the interest and enthusiasm shown by these two classes. Of course, we visited with family, especially enjoying the time with our son, Todd and his wife Lauren. Speaking of family, our nephew, Steven Akin will soon leave the U.S to travel to Chimala, TZ (16 hours south of us). Having completed his EMT training, he will work with the Chimala Mission and Hospital for a 3-month period.

Thanks again for making our furlough a reality. You made it possible for us to see our son (Todd), graduate from college, our daughters (Lindsey and Abigail) graduate from high school, Jimmy graduate and for us to attend Todd and Lauren's wedding. Thank you for your continued support, prayers and interest in us and the TZ 2000 Mission Work. 

Gee Report: 10-6-13

"...clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble."  I Peter 5:5                                

Today is a bright sunny day, made brighter by two letters of encouragement. This particular mail actually arrived in the post office box in June and July while we were in the states. The first letter was written by Nathan Sprouse, a second-grader  at the Dale Ridge congregation (Roanoke, VA). The second piece of mail came from the Teen Class at the Hartley Bridge Rd. congregation (Macon, GA). Thank you for thinking of us! 

The new quarter at ACSOP begins on Monday with these classes: I Samuel through II Chronicles, Personal Evangelism II...Church Planting, I & II Peter and Jude, Prison Epistles, and  I & II Thessalonians.    

Jimmy preached the 2nd half of last weeks' lesson on the “Authority of the Bible.” Due to her translator's absence, Abigail wasn't able to teach the children but instead sang with them while they colored and ate her delicious banana bread. The ladies' class joined the men due to Paulina (translator) being out of town. Graduate student, Michael Mitalami, continued teaching Acts in the men's class. For the last couple of Sundays, there has hardly been an empty seat in worship services. Today one seat was occupied by a lady visitor ("Likeness") from the Lutheran denomination.    

The Kisongo congregation encouraged the young people to attend the Youth Class being held on Saturdays at the building. Also, this Thursday, the annual Leadership Conference at ACSOP will begin. The theme is: "Spiritual Disciplines for the Purpose of Godliness." Over 150 evangelists and their wives are expected. Trina is scheduled to speak to the ladies on the subject of "Worship." Ladies from area congregations will cook for the speakers and attendees (coming from all over East Africa).

Matthew was measured for new leg braces at the Usa River Rehab center where a cast of both legs/feet was made. This messy process was easier this time because the braces will start from the knee down instead of the upper thigh. Matthew did well and did not cry. The  braces should be ready in 2 weeks.    

Ahimidiwe, the preacher at Kisongo, will be preaching and teaching at the new church plant at White Rose. Jimmy is teaching their Bible class on Wednesday nights. We're very happy to report that this young congregation has grown considerably due to the combined efforts of many.

October 2nd marked Candace's 14th birthday. If you know Candace, you know that "sweetness" could be her middle name. In fact, former TZ missionary Ben Thompson, nicknamed her that. Many local people do not know their exact date of birth although most know the year and some the month. 

When you ask a parent about their child's age, normally they will tell you the year the child was born (few celebrate yearly birthdays). For most Tanzanians, birthdays just don't hold the same importance as they do for Americans. After hearing us discuss the above, our 7-year-old, Naomi, said, "Well, I was BORN on MY birthday!" 

Stephanie Stafford and Jessica McVeigh organized and conducted a VBS and Ladies Seminar at Mosquito River on Saturday. About 70 children and between 40-50 ladies showed up (mainly from the Maasi tribe).  

Last Sundays' report mentioned Lindsey volunteering at a local school (Lazeli) to conduct Bible studies. Unfortunately, her offer was turned down. Then she visited Kisongo Academic College. This time Lindsey was told by the Deputy Headmistress that the Administration "couldn't refuse" her offer. This Friday afternoon, Lindsey will teach the Bible (using the World Bible School correspondence courses). Interestingly, a section of the Tanzanian National Exam covers Bible facts (no specific doctrine) because "teaching Bible" is required by the Tanzanian Educational constitution. Ahimidiwe is a friend of the Deputy Headmistress (the regular Bible teacher at this college). Lindsey could have begun teaching last Friday except that a prayer session was already scheduled with the students concerning their exams. Public prayer may have been kicked out of American schools but it is alive and well in Tanzanian schools!   

Abigail continues to make progress concerning the library to be established in the community of Kisongo. For those unaware of her project, feel free to visit the Facebook page (titled Parker Memorial Library) or her blog at:     

While things progress slower in Africa, Abigail's "one step at a time" perseverance is paying off. Through the help of many good people, she now has a sponsoring congregation (Logan Martin Church of Christ), a bank account set up for donations and has obtained over 1000  books. A special thanks to Mark McWhorter who has taken this project "under his wing" and has been a tremendous help and advisor.  

Thank you for supporting us and this work. Much can be accomplished when the Lords' people work together in a great cause. Our heart-felt appreciation is extended towards each and every one of you for spreading the Gospel in Tanzania, East Africa.   

With Love From Africa,
The Jimmy Gee family

To the the reports with pictures, please click here.

Posted on October 6, 2013 .