Harvest Sunday...

Harvest Sunday! The Levy Church of Christ each year hosts what is called Harvest Sunday. This day represents the opportunity to focus on the mission work this congregation has been involved in supporting. The good that has and continues to be done by this congregation is a blessing on a global scale. There is not enough space to share the reaches of their support and the benefit they have provided for missionaries worldwide.

Sheryl and I have been blessed by the Levy family for more than 20 years and we were excited to be involved in this special day. We are always amazed at the generosity expressed from a family of Christians who love the Lord, love one another, love the lost, and love to be involved in kingdom work. Thank you for your vision and generosity in supporting the Lord’s work.

Another quarter is underway in Denver, as returning students were involved in campaigns around the U.S. and in Guatemala. Even though students have returned, we are still receiving news of souls being added to the kingdom as a result of their efforts. The news is exciting as God continues to bless the preaching of the gospel.

Throughout the extension program, news about the ways God is giving the increase highlights the beautiful nature of the work. The dedication and effort put forth by the students who are preparing to preach the gospel is wonderful to share.

Now on to the other reports...

Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/

Extension Reports 

Helping Young Minds Know Christ: The gospel is being preached and young minds are gaining a knowledge of Christ and are excited to share it with others.

The Right Men In The Right Positions: Reflecting on the leadership in the Kenya School of Preaching shows the right men were selected for administration of the school.

Vocational Classes Help Prepare Students: Along with other classes, students in Nigeria are taking vocational classes to learn how to support themselves after graduation.

Help Us Help Them Help Themselves: The goal of the work at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching is to help these students help their own people.

Drop A Pebble In The Water: The impact of one person who shares the gospel with someone else brings incredible changes. 

Final Thoughts
We are thankful for the opportunity to share news about the extension program at Levy, and thankful for the generosity they have provided for the Lord’s work. We are also thankful to each of you for the ways you bless the training of preachers. Without each individual part working together it would not work. Thank you all!

God bless

Posted on October 27, 2013 .