Tanzania Leadership Conference...

Greetings Fellow Servants,

We stand amazed; amazed as to what God is doing through you, as you continue in your prayers and support for God’s mission work in Tanzania. I only wish I had your undivided attention for several hours (days) that I might share with each of you the amazing impact you are having on the eternal souls of the good people of Tanzania. Better yet, I really wish each of you could visit TZ and see first hand the power of the Gospel at work, as it has its desired affect in the lives of the countless souls of East Africa.

We have striven from day one to use a Biblical pattern of evangelism in church development that would glorify our God, leaving a sustainable church growth effort. Over the last fifteen years we have seen many positive “markers” that indicate we are on the right tract. Recently we witnessed one such “marker,” the Tanzania Leadership Conference. Our goal is to help develop leadership within the congregations of the Lord’s people in East Africa in order for the Lord’s Church to grow, be self-reliant and to be self-propagating. Leadership training is a must!

This years TLC event was unique from all those of the past. This year, with a little encouragement from myself, our Tanzanian brothers and sisters planned, organized and executed the best TLC to date. The McVeigh’s, Gee’s and Stafford’s supported and worked side-by-side our fellow laborers. In the end we were able to see God’s hand at work through the “maturing” of those we have grown to love and admire so dearly.

Over 140 participants, from 56 different congregations and 7 nations came together to grow together. A very special “thank you” to Mike Benson from the Kensington Woods congregation for joining us this year. His lessons were well received and a blessing to all who participated. A note of thanks to Nathan and Jessica McVeigh for their efforts. They joined our team just three months back, serving a one year internship. A special note of thanks to Christopher, Charles, Ahimidiwe, and Paulina for going the extra mile, truly making a huge difference in this years’ success.

So many participate in making this mission effort all it is. We serve an amazing God Who is able and with a church family with willing hearts, the best is yet to come.

My travels continue to go well; thank you for your prayers. I will present the work to the Curry and Mayfield congregations here in AL this Sunday. I will meet with our good brothers and sisters at Elk City, OK Wednesday, Longview and Decatur, TX next Sunday and start making my way back to MS and then home to TZ. We are so blessed to be a part of God’s family and for the privilege of serving Him in TZ. Thank you all who are doing your part in the preaching of the Gospel in TZ.

Below is a really good article from Nathan as he reflects on this years TLC. I believe you will enjoy his perspective on what he experienced during this years TLC. Until all have heard......

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny

And He’s Watching Us All with the Eye of the Photographer

Each perspective and contribution to the world is unique. They are unique because each person is unique.

One single event will be described in multiple ways, due to multiple perspectives. The Tanzania Leadership Conference is a case in point.

  1. The preachers would tell you about gazing faces and the attention of those who listen. They witnessed and experienced the action from the front of the event. 
  2. The listeners would tell you about the passion, logic, and preparation of the speakers. They witnessed and experienced the action from within the event. 
  3. The workers would tell you about the work they did “behind the scenes.” They witnessed and experienced the action from behind the event. 

You may be inclined to think that every participant fits into one of these three groups. However, there is a fourth group.

This group notes those who witness and experience an event from every angle. This group contains the photographer.

The photographer would tell you about the attention of the listeners, and more. They’d tell you about the passion, logic, and preparation of the speakers, as well as the background happenings of the event.

As this year’s “official” photographer, I can tell you what I saw, but honestly, my pictures communicate my visions more powerfully than my words.

The pictures portray joy and laughter. At times, they portray confusion. Still, they portray teaching, learning, and understanding.

Still, there’s more. They portray reacquaintance and encouragement, passion and love, as well as care and concern.

The pictures portray an event, that’s true. However, they portray more than an event.

This event was not a mere gathering, but a kindling. I witnessed, and experienced, a fire of emotion and action.

I witnessed a fire of hope, winded by visionaries with anticipation, excitement, and goals.
I witnessed a fire of debate, winded by the fuels of misunderstanding and truth.
I witnessed a fire of fervor, winded by Christians who engulf and enlighten the dark continent.
I witnessed a fire of love, winded by a deep concern for the well-being of others.
I witnessed a fire of empowerment, winded by the words and voice of God, spoke through men.
I witnessed a fire of outreach, winded by those whose needs are met only by the Lord and Savior.

I’m beginning to think that the church in Tanzania is supported by arsonists. With all the good it’s doing, I’m okay with that.

Thank you, spiritual arsonists, for your resolute support.

Nathan McVeigh

Posted on October 20, 2013 .