Beta Class Begins In Cameroon...

Dearest in Christ,

New year’s greetings to you from my family and the family of God here in Cameroon. I do hope this year, 2013, met you and your family and the family of God in your area in good health and a strong vision to do more for the Lord.

We praise God for all that He is doing in our lives and our ministries. God is still at work in our lives here in Cameroon. We began the New Year with love and focus to reach out to more souls which is part of our New Year’s resolutions. May God help us to attain them as the year starts running on a good footing.

Sister Joan obeyed the gospel in Wotutu. Keep her in your prayers to walk with God.

As I write this email, I appreciate God for a two day’s mission work out of the south west region to the north west region of Cameroon, which was successful and I am home safe and sound and my family is in good health. As I write this email, brother David Ballard, the new coordinator for CBIW, will be checking in at the airport in Douala to start his journey home after visiting with the new students, staff and leaders of the Wotutu congregation for one week.

The new students of CBIW (beta) batch are in class. As they resumed last Wednesday and started classes on Thursday beginning with Old Testament 1. Time waits for no one. Our program is intensive and we have no time for leisure. Students are set to study and we are also ready to impact their knowledge. Keep them in your prayers as they started their two year race.

29 students in number stood in front of our worship hall, which also serves as the lecture hall for CBIW. They raised their tomb, a strong sign in CBIW meaning “we are not alone.”  We know you are with us as you read this report. May God keep you by our side as we continue to work together.

Minister David Ballard preached and taught in the Wotutu congregation during his one week visit. Keep him in your prayers as he starts coordinating the work of CBIW.

Brother Ballard was part of our house to house evangelism to 4 different congregations. It was a great success.

The Lord added 3 souls in His vineyard in the congregations that we visited. Keep the souls in your prayers for them to grow to maturity.

We have started, and the demands to come over to many places and help are much on my desk. Keep us in your prayers that the Lord will take us to places to reach out and rob from the strong man’s house and many will come to know God through our preaching and teaching efforts this 2013.

We give our sincere appreciations to God for His love over us throughout the year 2012 and for all that He did to help us train men and successfully graduate them, and now they are in the field to serve and win souls.

We appreciate God for you who came and believed in our dreams and stood by them, because without you, our dreams would have remained a dream till date. We lack words that we can use to say it, but we say thank you and we shall thank you. God will bless you, and because we are still together, we shall by His grace accomplish more this time around for His glory. Have a great and wonderful year 2013. God bless and watch over you and all that you do.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on January 6, 2013 .