Good morning brethren!
I pray this finds all of you in the grace and peace of our Father.
It brings me great joy this morning to provide you with an update to the development of the Bible school here in Paraguay. The men of the congregation have appointed a committee that meets twice a week to work out the development of the school. For the past several weeks, they have prayed, labored in thought, and discussed in great detail as to what the mission statement of the school should be. They want it to be very clear, Biblical, and concise in order to properly develop all other aspects of the school. Last night, they decided on the following mission statement:
"Nutrir el corazon de hermanos fieles con las palabras de la fe y la buena doctrina, en amor, para que sean capaces de cumplir con el mandato de nuestro Señor Jesucristo" (Mateo 28:19,20 y 1 Timoteo 4:6).
Translated directly: "Nurturing the heart of faithful brethren with words of the faith and the good doctrine, in love, so that they may be capable to fulfill the mandate of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Mt. 28:19-20; 1 Tim. 4:6).
They believe this transmits the proper idea that they want to accomplish within the school. I, personally, am very pleased with the focus they have and with maturity they have exhibited in developing this mission statement. They simply want to be pleasing to the Lord, actively working in His kingdom, but not go outside the boundaries of His commandments. What a great understanding!
In addition to this great news, I also want to inform you that the elders at Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in West Palm Beach, FL have agreed to be what we call, the "Stateside Financial Administrators" for the school. They have agreed to the commitment of being involved in this work of the church in Paraguay by simply maintaining stateside contributions, regular communication with the church, and traveling to Paraguay at times in order to assist. Another great blessing!
Things are coming together, brethren! Most importantly, the Paraguayans themselves are developing this school in the form that they desire. To God be the glory!
Have a blessed day!
Troy Spradlin