Greeting in the name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ from Siem Reap, Cambodia.
Through the sponsoring of our brethren from various congregations, such as love, financially, encouragement, etc. we as the church of Christ in Siem Reap have been growing to some points.
Siem Reap Church Of Christ
On August 15, 2006 the church of Christ in Siem Reap was established by me ( Kimchann Lork), and during that time we had just two people worship, which was me and a brother name Ret. After a few months we had about 20 people who were converted into Christ by baptism and the numbers continue to grow more, Gal. 3:26-27. Now the church that meets at the Siem Reap Church Of Christ every Lord's day is from 35- 50. We had three more baptisms last week.
Leang Dai Church Of Christ
In the year 2008 we started another congregation called Leang Dai Church Of Christ where now our brothers Sokchea Lork and Ravy San preach. There are around 20 to 30 members that attend every Lord's day. Last week they baptized four more people into Christ's church.
Takam Church Of Christ
In the year 2010 we started another congregation called Takam Church Of Christ that now has our brothers Cheuy Cheun and Vanra Ret. There are about 40 to 50 people that attend on the Lord's day.
Svay Reing Church Of Christ
In the same year 2010 we also had our brothers Sophal Lout and Saran Torn, also a sister, Ussa Lout, who graduated from our school and went back to their hometown to start the Svay Rieng church of Christ among their own family. Now they have about 10 to 15 who meet.
Future villages to start up the church (Trapang Svay, Sombur, Kompong Kleang, and Chreav)
We have been teaching and preaching for a month and half to two more new villages called Trapang Svay and Sombur villages. The result is we have had one man baptized by our brother Darat Run last week at Sombur village. Keep praying for this village that we will be able to start a new congregation in this village soon. Also, at Trapang Svay village we are still preaching hard so that sooner or later we will have another congregation in this village too.
Brother Phanat Ouch brought two of our young men to evangelize at a new village called Kompong Kleang, a place where the people survive along the lake. Some people call it the floating village too. We ask you to keep praying also for this new village that we plan to place our two young men, Sopheap Chort and Hokly Chourn, to work and start up a congregation in that area.
We also plan to place two of our young men, Sam Sorn and Reaksa Thate, at another village called Chreav, to set up a farm in order to start a congregation in that area too.
Your prayers, thoughts and support are very important for our work of evangelism for Christ in Cambodia. Please keep us in your prayers as we all labor for Him, Romans8:28-30.
May our God bless you all.
Kimchann Lork (local Preacher)