Dear Brethren,
I am excited to inform you of our recent events happening in Siem Reap. We had our 2nd IBISR's Graduation for the class of 2010-2012, with our stateside coordinator Wes Autrey as our guest speaker for the event. It was a successful graduation and the students enjoyed the charged that they've received from brother Wes.
We appreciate all the support from our brethren overseas in helping us to become autonomous. We thank God for your love and generosity and faith in us. Of the 8 graduates, 5 of our men will go out and serve God in their respective areas. Pheap and Hokly will work in the Tonle Sap area in the floating village, while Sam and Reaksa will go to Bos Krolanh village and start a new work there. Lon will head back to his home village of Takam and be the full time minister there. We look forward to seeing these graduates produce good fruits for the Lord in their labor. We ask that you keep them in your prayers as they embark on their journey ahead.
The class of 2010-2012 is special in the sense that none of these men will receive support from overseas. We are implementing our plan of becoming self supportive as soon as possible and these will be the first ones. The local church here will help support these men along with their own hands finding other sources of income part time. Please remember them in your prayers as they will be faced with many temptations concerning their income and livelihood.
Please click here to see pictures of the graduation and students.