The new class of students at Bear Valley have completed their second week of studies and they all seem to be doing very well. The beginning of a new quarter with a new class of students is always an exciting time in Denver. I know the same measure of excitement exists in all the Extension Schools as well. There is just something special about training men to preach the gospel of Jesus.
With the start of a new quarter and class in Denver also comes the start of several classes of students around the world. The developments within the Extension Program continue to bring exciting news about the work of training men to preach.
The Kenya School of Preaching in Kisumu, Kenya will soon begin their first class of 20 students in October. The Liberia Bible College in Monrovia, Liberia is set to begin a new class of 20 students in September. The Southwest School of Evangelism in Ibadan, Nigeria will be completing classes for the current class of students and will begin a new class of 25-30 students over the next month.
As Bear Valley is privileged to partner with these new locations, we are also excited about the continued development of each school where we have opportunity to share in the work of training preachers. With the addition of the new locations, and the prospective enrollment for the Theological Academy of Paraguay in March 2013, there will be close to 350 students around the world who are involved in preparing themselves for ministry in the Lord’s kingdom.
If we add the 30 students in Denver who are preparing themselves to preach the gospel, the future looks wonderful for reaching the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ. For each of you who are involved in this program, I know it is as exciting for you as it is for me.
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
Extending The Frontiers Of Missions: A recent trip to Zambia was focused on missions. Brother Elangwe is now back in Cameroon and the work continues to grow.
CBI Teacher Loses A Child: While the work grows in Tanzania, there is sadness as one of the instructors lost his young daughter to kidney failure.
Back In Africa: The Tamale Institute of Biblical Studies is busy about the work as Tony Johnson is now back in Ghana to work with the school.
12 Souls Added and God’s Saints Are Persecuted In Tanzania: The work is growing in Arusha, but one new Christians is being persecuted. Pray for this man.
Challenges Of Traditional Tanzanian Life: Life in Africa, while quite common in everyday occurrences to Tanzanians, would shock most Americans.
Final Thoughts
On a final note, several of the extension staff will be traveling to Denver next week for our annual retreat / meeting. The few days we are together at this time each year provides a wonderful opportunity to discuss a number of significant areas concerning the program of work at Bear Valley. We also have opportunity to be encouraged by a number of great lessons, uplifted by reports on the current situation of various areas within the program, and share in some of the greatest fellowship I know....
Thank you for all you do to help in the development of training preachers. I am praying for you each day. May God bless you richly.