One of the greatest parts of the Extension Training program is sharing the news with individuals and congregations who have the vision to see the benefit of training students in their own countries and in their own languages, so they can teach their own people.
This program of work does not remove the need or benefit of the traditional mindset of mission work, but rather builds upon it. There is always a need for Christians who desire to go to all nations preaching and teaching about our Lord and Savior, Jesus. I love seeing the heart of missions in the lives of those who are willing to travel to some adverse areas of the world to share the message of Jesus. The challenges are too numerous to list, but suffice it to say, it takes a great deal of sacrifice to leave the comforts and conveniences of what many consider home to give themselves to serve our God and others in all countries.
Sheryl and I had the privilege of visiting with two wonderful and loving congregations yesterday to share the news of the four new locations where Bear Valley will be partnering with others in preacher training. I have really enjoyed sharing the news of growth in the program. It is such an honor to have the kind of fellowship where we can work together for the glory of our God.
It is for this reason I give thanks. I am thankful to God for the opportunity to be involved in the Extension Training program. I am thankful to each of individual and congregation who provides the needed funds to keep the work growing. I am thankful to the teachers, coordinators and various directors who give so diligently of their time and ability to prepare students for helping the church grow. I am thankful to the elders of the Bear Valley Church of Christ for their vision for this work. I am also thankful to the staff of the Bear Valley Bible Institute for their encouragement, support and guidance as I continue to learn how best to serve.
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Howell Ferguson sent his recent report. To read his report, click here.
Extension Reports
Practice During Summer Break: While the students in Gorlovka, Ukraine take a break during the summer, they are putting into practice what they have learned.
Taking The Reins: As Bill Stinson returns to the U.S., Chad Wagner is now taking the reigns of administration on the Chimala Mission.
Encouraging News In Paraguay: Even in the midst of the political turmoil in Paraguay, the news continues to be encouraging as the church grows.
God’s Way In Tanzania: God continues to work through and bless the efforts of several Christians to expand the kingdom.
Playing “Catch-Up” Back In Arusha: Jimmy Gee has returned from successfully defending his dissertation. His now back in Arusha getting caught up.
Final Thoughts
My prayer this week is for all of you. I pray God will continue to bless you richly for your dedication to serve. Through serving God and others we are fulfilling the relationship God intended for His church, enjoying true Christian fellowship.
Thank you for all you do.
God bless