The Work Is Bearing Fruit...

David Raju and his wife after baptismGreetings to you all from VVBC, India. I hope everything is going good with you. We are all doing okay. The hot weather has been very severe, because of which several older people are dying. By the grace of God we are all doing fine. The heat index is over 100 F on average for the last 3 weeks. It will continue for another couple of weeks. Days are going to be terrible for us. We sure need some rains, if not it will be the third consecutive no rain fall year.

God blessed us with some amazing results through our mission efforts in this part of Andhra Pradesh. Two students were instrumental in bringing these amazing results. Two new congregations established at two different places. We praise God as our graduates show lot of interest to participate in the evangelism programs conducted by our school. This truly shows the evangelistic nature of our students & graduates.

DVS Prakash praying for new brethrenCampaign week: We had our Evangelism campaign at two places during this month. The results of it are the establishment of the congregations. During these gospel campaigns we did door knocking, tract distribution, Bible study and gospel meetings. This program is specifically aimed to proved practical education to the students. This helps the students to learn some practical issue which they come across in their real time ministry.

Bible Classes: We are happy to see one of our students, Pydiraju, holding a gospel campaign in a village called ‘Kovvada’ in Vijayanagaram District. He wants to start preaching there. In order to do that he wanted to have a start, so with the help of the local friends he held Bible Classes for three days and two gospel meetings on two nights. We were blessed to be part of these classes to encourage this student in establishing a congregation there. Suresh, Rama Rao, two of our graduates, led us into the streets Tract received and readsinging and distributing the gospel tracts to the villagers. We had some Bible studies; one of them was with a denominational preacher. This man was so kind to offer a place to stay. He has very nice personality. Our study with him helped us to understand that he is not thoroughly educated in the Bible. We advised him to take some classes at our school; since he realized the need for him to study more to understand the word of God better/appropriately. Samuel Raju, Director of the School has taught the lesson plan of salvation and John Dean taught about the Holy Spirit. Classes were successful because we have 100% attention from the audience. In the middle of the class we noticed some who are without Bibles. We truly felt so happy to distribute 6 Bibles to those who do not have one.

Vamsee Bhushanam preachingGospel Meetings: Besides the regular gospel meetings in various places, we held two meetings, most of our faculty and students were present. David Raju’s village is totally with idol worshippers, some of them are his relatives. He desperately wanted his villagers to hear about the true living God and His plan of salvation from sin. So, he invited all the faculty to come and hold the gospel meeting. Brother Vamsee, Vijaya Kumar and Director, Samuel Raju, preached during the gospel meeting. We had good audience. In fact, with the help of the loud speakers, the message has been delivered to almost all the villagers. Some of them who were sitting in the porches and were listening to the gospel being preached. This is the first ever gospel meeting conducted by the Church. With this, one can imagine how many villages are still not reached with the true John Dean distributing Biblesgospel. Another Gospel meeting, in a place called Kovvada, has given us the opportunity to announce about the lord’s Church that will be gathering every Sunday. 

Brethren, my heart's desire and my prayer to God for them is for their salvation.  For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not in accordance with knowledge.” (Rom 10:1-3)

David Raju is one of our students. He is zealous about learning the Word of God. He loves his parents. He wanted them to be baptized into the Church, this happened when he learned that the way they were baptized was not according to the scripture and realized that they were not added to His church. So, his humble plead with his parents has lead them to be baptized into Christ for the remission of their sins, and the Lord added them to the Church.

Since the time his parents were converted, he focused on his wife and encouraged her to consider re-baptism. At first she wasn’t really in favor of him, but when he tried to explain her the scripture with the help of another preacher friend and conveyed his commitment to be re-baptism then she came forward. On the day they wanted to be baptized, they invited the school Director & faculty to come and hold Bible class & Gospel meetings for two days. Taking that as an opportunity, we spent time by knocking the door and distributing the gospel tracts and inviting the villagers to attend the gospel meetings. In fact David Raju wanted his villagers to hear the good news and believe in Jesus and accept Him as their Savior. We hear from David Raju regularly about the developments with the new congregation. We are excited to hear that they are meeting every Sunday regularly and some of David Raju’s (Preacher) family, and a couple of his family friends are attending the worship service.

Along with David Raju, his sister was also added to the Church. Moreover, brother Vijaya Kumar, who is also one of our students, wants to be baptized. David Raju & Vijaya Kumar believed that they were baptized according to the scripture, but they never realized the actuality until the time our faculty, including brother Chuck Ramseur, discussed the right way of baptism, process of it and the result of being added to the Church by the Lord. For sure this has opened of their eyes and compelled them to come forward to be baptized. We give honor to our Lord for saving these 4 precious souls.    

Prayer Request: 

1. Kindly pray for brother Rama Raju’s family, who lost his father in-law.

2. Kindly pray for the First Graduation Exercise of the Master’s Class, as 9 will be receiving their MBS Diplomas.

3. Pray for the weather. It has been very dry for the last 7 months. If it continues it will be the 3rd dry year for us, and the cost of living would become very, very high.

4. Pray for our travels & mission activities that our labor would bring fruit.

“How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?  How will they preach unless they are sent? ” (Rom. 10:14-15) 

Equipping & Evangelism is our basic goal in running the Bible School. Equipping the men with the word of God and reaching out to the lost millions with the good news of our Savior. Indeed, this kind of approach is what required in this part of India. Since there are so many places where the gospel has not been carried out by the Church to these places. This situation shows the desperate need of a Preacher Training School like Visakha Valley Bible College, in Visakhapatnam. 

Work Report: 
Number of people baptized in this month through our ministry: 12
Denominational preachers restored: 1
Gospel meetings conducted – 6
Weekend Campaign – 2 in 3 villages
Gospel tracts distributed – 16,000
Doors Knocked - 430
Held the Bible Studies - 21
New Congregations Established - 2

We are looking forward to our first Master’s Class graduation on the 6th of July, according to brother Garry Fallis, brother Denton Landon will be coming with him. We are exited about this.

We thank you brethren for supporting the Bible School. We continue to do our very best. We thank our God for congregations like you who are backing the Lord's work in India. Your kindness helps us rescue some lost souls. As the preacher students go out and establish more congregations, many lost will be rescued. We are looking forward to see such a wonderful result from our combined efforts.

Please convey our salutations to the brethren at Strickland, especially to the Elders and the Preacher. Please continue your prayers for us as we also do for you. If you want to know more about our school or any questions kindly contact us. 

In Christ, 
John Dean M
For the Visakha Valley Bible College

Posted on June 3, 2012 .