Working With Local Congregations...

June 18th report

Dear brethren,

Greetings from Uganda. The Lord is blessing his work here and every thing is going on well. Thank you for your support. We are doing what we are doing because of your support. Students of Uganda School of Evangelism are continuing with their village evangelism every Friday afternoon and Saturdays. 

On Sunday those who assigned churches to serve go to work with them. On the 16th Students and Nandwa Church of Christ members went to Buswale Church of Christ for the quarterly seminar for the churches of Christ in Samia area. The seminar was well attended and we enjoyed the fellowship. After the seminar they provided us with lunch. The churches which attended contributed funds to support the host church. The church leaders are now seeing the need for being self supporting. They are praying to God to help them with strength in reaching this goal. We are trying to show the church here that God planned that the church through her members support God 's Work not expecting anybody outside the congregation be the one supporting God's work on their behalf. This is still hard but pray for the churches here to find a way to start doing this.

June 25th report

Dear brethren,

We thank our Lord for the good work as He is blessing us here in Uganda. The gospel of our Lord is being preached. The students are on break for this quarter. Some are still doing their research and those who came late are catching up with what they did not learn and studying for the tests they missed. 

On June 19th myself, with Paul, took the six Congolese brethren and went to Kampala to their Embassy to get their full passport as they had come only with a temporary one which was for three months. We came back on June 22nd 2012. They will be going back after three weeks to collect their passport from Kinshasa. 

The congregations which were planted by the effort of our students and faculty members are doing well in spite of their lack of church buildings. They are trying to raise money for such work but it will take years to achieve their goal. If there is a way these congregation can be helped to raise the money we will appreciate it. These are the names of these congregations: (1)Bulangi  (2) Junge  (3)Bulukuyi (4) Budeecho  (5) Haabboomi  (6) Budala  (7) Sirere  (8)Nabwere (9) Bugatti (10)Genguluho (11)Namungodi  (12) Namafundu  (13) Bukalikha. All these brethren are meeting under a tree when it rains, so they squeeze in a member's house nearest to the tree. Brethren we have been having this problem since 2007 when the first congregations were planted. We  need your prayers so that these brethren may get places to meet. The devil is also using this weakness to deceive some weak brethren to leave the church. 

Whenever I visit these brethren I share with them lessons of encouragement so that they don't see this lack of church buildings as a problem to stop them from worshiping our God. Today myself, with Margaret, worshiped at Bukalikha church of Christ where my elder sister worships. God has restored her eyes which were going blind. We praise God for that. She can now see, though not as she used to see. She is still under medication. We wish well. 

Francis, Margaret, Paul, Susan and Edith Mawa Wechesa

Posted on June 24, 2012 .