Gratitude And Campaign Summary...

Greetings Fellow Workers:

We greet you all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He has made our life worth living and has left us the PERFECT example to follow. We thank our God for each of you who pray, support and participate in this grand mission work of God.

We often reflect on our “groups” that join us, working hand in hand in the seeking and saving of the lost. We would be amiss in not mentioning the many individuals who also come and make an equally powerful impact on the lives of many.

To our dear sister Penny Cabler; we say thank you!

To our brother and sister Forest & Teresa Rachels; we say thank you!

To our brother and sisters Gary, Hannah and Rachel Box; we say thank you!

To our sister Caitlin Middleton, (Caitlin is spending the summer with us); we say thank you!

To each and every brother & sister in Christ who have made this mission work possible; we say thank you!

Most of all, we say thank you to our God, Who has blessed each and every good work along the way to the saving of countless souls. It takes one’s breath away to remember where we started; two small congregations with less than 20 in each congregation. Today we know of more than 150 Church plants in six different countries, thousands of souls worshiping God in Truth and in Spirit each and every week. Congregations planting sister congregations every month throughout the region. Wow! God is amazing! To see the Power of the Gospel working through and in the lives of so many is such a blessing.

I would encourage you to copy and past the link below for a good summary of this year’s campaign effort (The Hochdorf family’s report). 

Please pray for our new brother in Christ, Gaudence Luka Kilewo and his family. Gaudence is the young preacher who obeyed the Gospel at Maji ya Chai. His brother was killed in a motor cycle accident and his sister-in-law was seriously injured.

We also solicit your prayers on the local congregations as they (we) engage in the follow-up work from the campaign efforts. To God’s glory and to the saving of souls we labor on with the help of God through your prayers.

Please remember the Kilimanjaro congregation as well. Their campaign begins tomorrow. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Caitlin

Posted on June 24, 2012 .