The Value of 71 Souls...

Greetings Fellow Servants;

Our prayers are always with each of you as you labor with us here in Tanzania. God continues to do a mighty work through each of you through the Tanzania Mission effort. We are indeed a blessed people to be able to call upon our God and to be called His children.

We concluded our “official” Safari for Souls campaign season. In all campaigns were conducted at Babati, Kioga, Maji ya Chai, Kisongo, Kwa Mrombo and Arusha. With the help of our brothers and sisters from TN, OK, NC, AL, the local Christian family and with the help of God we say Amen! Question, what value might one put on the seventy-one souls that have already obeyed the Gospel?

We are so blessed to be able to meet and work with such wonderful, committed, and evangelistic Christians from so many places. To work hand in hand with others who are willing to sacrifice time, money and time away from family and friends, is a joy not to be taken for granted.

So many stories could be told, but let me mention two: While preaching and teaching at Maji ya Chai one young man came up and wanted to know more about God’s plan of Salvation. After a couple of long studies, he and an older man obeyed the Gospel. The younger of the two was a preacher for a Pentecostal congregation. The next day he went to Moshi to tell the “head quarters” he was no longer their preacher.

As part of our follow-up program, we sent Chuck Webster and Christopher Mwakabanje back to teach and preach God’s Word at the former congregation this man worked with. Four more souls said yes to the Gospel, putting Christ on in baptism.

Our brother Sid Aultman was asked to come and teach and pray for a lady that was sick. When he arrived he found himself among another group of Pentecostal believers just behind the home of Christopher and his family. This study continued throughout the week and ended with an invitation to return for further studies.

Open doors, doors of opportunity abound here in Tanzania. Our chief complaints from our visiting coworkers this year have been: “we need more workers” and “we need more time”. WE AGREE!

We thank God and we thank each and every one of you who have made this year’s campaign effort all they have been. The follow-up work begins and with your continued prayers much good is yet to come.

Please remember the group from Hoover and for Forrest and Teresa Rachel’s as they are to fly out tomorrow night. Our prayers are with you as you begin another week of serving in Him. A special prayer for all the godly Fathers on this special day!

In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on June 17, 2012 .