Bear Valley graduates in Denver and in Gorlovka, Ukraine are now making their way into the ministry. Their efforts, along with many others who have completed their studies in Denver and around the world, will make a lasting difference. There is no greater work, privilege and honor than the partnership / fellowship shared in training men to preach the gospel of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Each week I am more humbled by the quantity and quality of the work of the greatest people on earth. I am encouraged by reading about their efforts and the sacrifices so willingly made to help others learn about the Savior of the world. They serve as an example for all of us to learn from, especially concerning the people who are our neighbors, those we work with each day, and others we meet everywhere we go. I pray God will give us a heart filled with evangelistic fervor.
Over the next few months I will be reporting about a number of congregations I will visit this summer to share information regarding the work at Bear Valley and the Extension program. The opportunities to be involved in the Lord’s Kingdom are unending. As you read through the various reports this week, I believe you will see exactly what I mean.
Now on to the other reports...
Coordinator Updates
Reports from the coordinators are now located on the website, under Staff Reports. The address is /extension-schools/
Extension Reports
The Church In Cameroon Grows: Spiritual and numerical grow continue to highlight the work of the church in Wotutu, Cameroon.
Classes, Graduation And Recruiting In Ghana: The West Coast School of Preaching is preparing for graduation and a new class of students.
Another Christian Wedding In Cambodia: The development of Christian homes will make a difference for the future work in Cambodia.
Witchdoctors, Graduate Studies and Evangelism: The culture brings interesting twists to the direction of the work in Chimala.
Difficulties With Location In India: Owners of the property where the school is meeting in Chandigarh are asking the school to vacate the property.
Another Student Obeys The Gospel In Togo: The students at CBS continue to learn and grow in their understanding of the word.
Eight Precious Souls Added In Arusha: Several who are visiting the work in Arusha, Tanzania have been instrumental in sharing the gospel and God has blessed their efforts.
Powerful Report, Plus A Little Bonus: The work in Tanzania is wonderful and there is an added bonus with a report from one of the families visiting the work.
Final Thoughts
The work of training men to preach the gospel is possible because of you. Your financial support, abilities, prayers, encouragement, teaching, and leadership is making a difference. It is such a joy to learn about the gratitude expressed by the beneficiaries of your assistance in the work.
I pray God will bless you richly, beyond measure, and that you will be an instrument in the hands of the Almighty so you might continue to be the blessing you are to all of us. Thank you from the depths of my heart.
God bless