Dearest in Christ,
Many thanks to God for His great care and love over us and His protection over us here as we go about our work. On behalf of the students, staff and members of our congregation here in Wotutu and many brethren over the country we send our love to you, your family and the church where you worship.
Some planted and others watered. That is what happened in the life of brother Nicholas’ mother this weekend. CBIW students always visit her when they are passing through their village for mission work. The mom was worried when they told her about salvation in Christ only. When brother Nicholas visited her this weekend, she asked for more explanations over what she heard from other students and finally she obeyed the gospel yesterday. Wow! The angels rejoiced with us and the church in that community. Please join us now to rejoice that finally the mother of brother Nicholas is now a sister (sister Agnes Wase). Bravo to our King.
Last week was great as some lecturers are already finishing their long courses. Some will do revisions as we shall start writing exams on the 28th of May. Please keep the students in your prayers as they grow in their studies of His word.
This weekend was also a busy one for us as we decided to send students to 10 different congregations for visiting and evangelism. Some were to attend a funeral of one of our brothers, Makume Ngalamen, who after his conversion gave his house for the church to continue to worship there. We thank you for your prayers for traveling mercies as we are all back on campus safe and sound.
Our students went out to preach and teach house to house and also to nurture souls that are already in the body of Christ. They were ready in Mondoni moving from house to house to spread the truth.
I went in a four wheel drive car with some students to a village where only four wheel drive cars can plough. The gospel is for all. Thank you for making it possible for us to go beyond hills and valleys to make known the gospel to as many as we can.
I preached during the funeral of the falling brother. He was devoted and gave his house for the church to use it for a worship place. Keep this young struggling congregation in your prayers so that the wife may see the truth and obey it now. The funeral was attended by over 200 persons who listen to the truth openly away from the Roman Catholic doctrines. This village is dominated by Catholic doctrines. Even the government cannot oppose. Many thanks to God as the pure gospel is penetrating slowly, but surely. We have 14 Christians already there and they need a permanent preacher to help them grow.
The Big Bekondo congregation is an old congregation but very weak, but since the coming of CBIW, the story has changed. Change has taken place and the chief of the village is very impressed with the activities of the church. Our constant visits there are helping the chief and his family to come very close to the gospel. Keep our efforts in your prayers.
Please continue to pray for this congregation. We are dire need of a full time permanent preacher. The presence of a preacher there, as they confessed this morning, will help many come to the truth and to abandoned fetish and “ju ju” practices which is common among the villagers.
There is a family that came appreciating God for delivering them from errors all these years, oh oh. With tears they said they are not only happy, but they are lucky to be members of the church of Christ in the heart of all kinds of Pentecostalism. Our efforts in this community are being seen as souls are realizing the truth and are coming to study more. This family named their baby Elangwe after me because our efforts to preach the gospel led them to know God and they are ready to make Him known to others. My name in their family will always provoke them to share the gospel to others as we are doing. CBIW is ready to go to all the ends with the gospel. Thanks again and again for making it possible for us to go and also to send many so as to preach and teach. God bless you as you keep our work in your prayers.
1) We are still planning to make the trip to Batoke for the establishment of a new congregation there.
2) More demands are coming for us to send students for preaching and teaching during weekend evangelism and during campaign.
3) We shall host the preacher’s wives forum in the Wotutu congregation on the 31st of May. Please keep that program in your prayers. It will be the first of its kind in the entire country.
4) We are praying and waiting to welcome our visiting lecturers who will come come June 2nd and 9th.
5) Please, I am still keeping my hopes alive for the conference which I plan to attend in August in Zambia. Please your help will make it possible for me.
We praise God for all He is doing to us here and we equally thank you for availing yourselves to the Lord to use you in the way He is using you to accomplish His purposes here in Cameroon. You are always in our prayers and we are happy to know you and we are happy to work with you in this soul saving team. My family sends their love to you all. Please do your humble best to share this report with others. God bless and watch over you as you devote yourselves during this week.
Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW