A Special Thank You...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

Stephanie, granny and I want to thank each of you for making our life worth living, in the Lord. We are the recipients of your continued prayers, support and generosity and for this we thank you and we thank our God for you. It is our hope and our prayer that God is blessing you in all the right ways and beyond measure.

A special thank you to all who have been praying for our brother Sean. His surgery went well and he is now home recovering. Things could not have gone much better under the circumstances and we know this was made possible by the power of God through your prayers. 

A Very Special thank you to our Church family at Westside (Salem, VA). We are most thankful for the packages of goodies you sent our way. They really brighten our day and are a constant reminder of your love and concern for us and all God’s workers. We are especially thankful the continued support you give in making it possible for the ACSOP to do what is needed in the training of faithful Gospel preachers. Oh yes, there is more; we thank you for the “Gimmie Five” service project you engage in. The Gospel is spreading throughout Tanzania and countless souls are being saved and fed. Thank you so very much.

Thank you brother and sister Tullstar (Diana, TX) for the videos from the various brotherhood lectures. They are a great encouragement not only to us personally, but to many others to who we share this great resource with. Thank you for “going the extra mile” and for thinking of others!

Thank you dear sister Leadale Simpson (Rockford, IL) for the package of Bible tracks and other wonderful resource material. The material will be so very useful and will impact many souls with the Truth of God’s Word. 

Thank you to the young people from the Westside congregation (Yorktown, IN) for your encouraging notes. They put a smile on our face, joy in our hearts and lift our spirits each time we receive your sweet notes. Thank you for thinking of us. You remain in our prayers.

A very special thank you to all the faithful mothers! For the good you do, the examples you are and for the lives you change in a way only a mother can, we thank you, we thank God for you and we pray a very special blessing be yours this day.  

To all who make God’s mission work possible here in Tanzania, we say THANK YOU! We are among the most blessed on this earth. May your week be all you hope it could be. May your life impact some lost soul in such a way it leads them to the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  

In Him, 
Cy, Stephanie and Granny

Posted on May 13, 2012 .