Kioga Congregation Is Growing...

Dear Faithful Co-Workers:

Quote of the Week: “I’m telling you that fame and fortune are not what they are cracked up to be. Every person on the planet is…trapped into programmed thinking that we’re all expected to have a certain amount of material things to be perceived as worthwhile human beings. Sometimes success is a curse that keeps you from paying attention to what’s important. Okay, I was living in a dream, but I’ve woken up.” ---- “Material Girl” Madonna as told to USA TODAY

The above quote reminds us of one made by Solomon who said, “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves abundance with its income. This too is vanity. When good things increase, those who consume them increase. So what is the advantage to their owners except to look on?”(Eccl. 5: 10, 11)

Today, Paulina taught the Ladies’ Class, Jimmy conducted the New Converts Class (translated by Chuchuba) and preached in worship, Ahimidiwe led the Men’s Class and Abigail (with Happiness as translator) taught the Children’s Class. All the Tanzanian teachers and translators are doing so well in contributing to the church now because they received a good foundation and start several years ago. Americans “got the ball rolling” with schools such as the Arusha Bible School, Kilimanjaro Bible School, Andrew Connelly School of Preaching and with the many congregations that were established. These teachers/translators above (plus many others) were trained to “rightly divide the Word” so they could “entrust… to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” The Ethiopian eunuch, when responding to Philip’s question of whether he understood the passage, replied, “Well, how could I, unless someone guides me?” For any given endeavor to succeed, the people involved need good training and guidance.

The first session of classes for the Kisongo Bible School will continue for three more weeks before new classes start. Candace babysits a one year-old and a three year-old at the house for three hours a day, four days a week while a lady named Janet faithfully attends these classes.

Dupree Galloway and Cotton Box have been busy on Mt. Meru, in the village of Kioga, evangelizing and strengthening the brethren there. Their efforts have resulted in eighteen studies and four baptisms! Soneia Galloway taught at a Ladies’ Seminar in Kwa Mrombo on the subject of “Stages and Roles in the Lives of Christian Women.” We welcome Eric (Soneia’s nephew), who arrived last night.

On the family front, Naomi turned 6 years old on Saturday and celebrated with family plus four friends. Unexpectedly, on this same day, the landlord sent workmen to repair the cracks in our cement walls. This procedure consists of taking a hammer and chisel and making the crack larger in order to add extra cement (and sometimes wire).As you may imagine, this creates lots of dust and piles of broken cement (which the workmen did clean up). Next week, we hope they will repair cracks in the floors and hopefully begin painting the entire house.

We appreciate you all! “May the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance. The Lord be with you all!”(2 Thess. 3:16).  

In Christian Love,
The Gee Family

Posted on April 22, 2012 .