Preacher's Forum And Evangelism...

Dearest in Christ,

Accept greetings from this end. It is well with us and we send our love to you. Our worship in Wotutu congregation today was great. In my absence we continued to examine the question,  Why I Am A Member Of The Church Of Christ. I went for a four days preacher’s meeting in Etam congregation where one of our lecturers is serving as the evangelist, Itali Ignatius.

A preacher’s forum in Cameroon is not only to come and talk about those things that preachers are facing, but it is a moment to evangelize the area.

In the same manner preaching from house to house led us to meet a young man, Daniel Tikum, who took time to ask all kinds of questions about his conviction that there are many ways that lead to heaven. The scriptures helped him and finally he demanded baptism. He worshipped today and was satisfied to see the New Testament worship without instrumental music. Keep him in your prayers that many will come to obey the truth in their family. The Lord added five souls in total in that local congregation and two restorations. Keep this growing congregation in your prayers to expand the gospel to the entire community and those close to them.

I assigned one student to go and preach and teach in the Mondoni congregation while two other students went to Tole congregation for weekend evangelism. They all returned safe with good reports about steadfastness to the brethren there, but no soul was added this weekend.

I worked with a prospect in sharing the gospel in Etam village. She saw the truth and promised to study more before making a decision.

Where we worshipped today, with the entire Etam congregation, there were 120 in number.

1) I shall send one of our students this weekend to Matoh village to help in evangelism. This is a demand from the preacher there. Keep him in your prayers. More students will travel to Mondoni village again for another big campaign to help the congregation and also to nurture the men on how to lead. Please pray for the Mondoni congregation. It is young and was established few months ago. I want us to do this so that in case we are not sending a student there because of any unforeseen thing, they will still worship.

2) August will be around soon. My willingness to attend the African Claiming Africa for Christ conference is still pending financially. Please think about it and help me in prayers if I can secure finances to attend. It will help me much with the work here.

3) We are planning for a one day preacher’s wife forum in Wotutu on the 31st of May 2012. We are calling this with my wife to teach all our married students with their wives the responsibilities in the field. Preacher’s wives who have been in the field will also add some advice to help these young ones on what to do as a preacher’s wife. Please keep this vision in your prayers as we shall be expecting over 75 preacher’s wives and this will be the first of its kind in Cameroon.

4) During the short courses in June we shall call for a one day study seminar on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. It is a serious problem in Cameroon. So I called the seminar at that time so that our visiting lecturers who will be here at that time to also throw some light to the study directly from the Bible.

Many thanks to God for His care over us. God is great and He is the reason why we are here and what we are doing. Thank you for being part of the work here.Your prayers are a strong force for us to move ahead and your support is a pillar. God bless you and your entire family and the church for being who you are. With your prayers and support we shall continue to rob from the strong man’s house because we think about the souls that are perishing in sin. God bless you as you share this with others who may love to be part of the soul saving team.

Elangwe and family
By His grace director CBIW

Posted on April 15, 2012 .