Two Students Become Christians...

CBS continues to chop more successes. Recently two denominational students at the school couldn’t help it any longer but submit themselves for baptism. It has been the mission of CBS to use the school as a tool for evangelism, and that is exactly what we are doing. Teachers teach with this mission in mind. Our goal was to baptize all the denominational students who enrolled in the school by the close of the first year, but as it stands now, we may achieve our goal before then. We thank God for blessing our efforts.


Hodanu Kwami enrolled at CBS as a member from the Pentecost Church. Kwami recently accepted Christ through baptism thus renouncing denominationalism. Kwami led CBS to his congregation to conduct a special class for his members. Four members were also baptized and now 20 others are contemplating baptism. Let us continue to pray for this new congregation.

Willie Gley

Posted on March 18, 2012 .