Friends, Classes And A Returning Family...

QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  “Life is an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others.”  - Helen Keller

FRIENDS. Friday evening Dr. Danny Smelser, Rick and Cynthia Nobles and Wendell and Kay Waites came to our home for a cookout. Dr. Smelser and his wife, Nancy, help to spread the good news of Christ through the ministry of their medical clinic in the nearby village of Monduli. Rick and Cynthia Nobles have been to Tanzania before to help with the clinic, conduct sewing and drip irrigation classes. This time, working along with Mr. and Mrs. Waites, the Nobles were here on “World Bible School” business. We enjoyed them all so much and the house was alive with excitement and laughter. Our younger children (Naomi and Elijah) took a special liking to Kay (they must have sensed she was a grandmother). We are looking forward to May when the Nobles are scheduled to return and hope to see the Waites again. 

OLD TESTAMENT THEOLOGY class is now history, but the students still have work to turn in later. The Leadership class began Saturday morning. Our thanks to Ted Cherry for his time and effort in teaching these two classes.

BIBLE STUDIES: Lindsey continues to teach Therasia (new Christian) concerning basic principles. They studied twice this week with the first lesson entitled “How God Has Dealt with Man” and began Genesis 1 for their second lesson. It made us very happy that Rehema, Therasia’s older sister, sat in on one of the studies and has requested a personal Bible study! Rehema was in both Bible class and worship today.

Our neighbor, Lucy, was sick so we did not study Saturday morning. Jimmy’s usual Saturday morning study with Ammon was also cancelled (by Ammon).

ACSOP. The new students (about 20) will arrive this week to begin their studies on Feb. 13 in the Swahili class. The second-year English students will also be back to start on the same day. Please pray for their safe travels and that they will dedicate themselves to learning God’s Word.

KISONGO BIBLE SCHOOL: The men of the Kisongo congregation have run into some “snags” concerning the beginning of the school and plan to meet this month to discuss ways to overcome the challenges so the classes may begin. Please pray that they will not let anything stand in the way of this good work.

RETURNING MISSIONARIES. Sean Hochdorf, along with his wife, Anita, daughter Maddie and Sean's parents will be arriving February 20th to re-join the TZ 2000 Mission Team. Sean and his family were here a few years ago but had to return to the states due to Anita’s severe back problems. They will be involved in many aspects of the work.

ON THE HOME FRONT: We’re all thankful to be in good health. The four older girls are both busy with school work (Abigail at the ACSOP this past week and next week, the rest with their “Gee Academy” studies). Heather and Candace are trying to get as much school finished as possible in order to be free during the 4 week-long stay of the Akins’ in May-June. They are just about to “burst at the seams” thinking of spending time with their cousins Steven, Garret and Olivia. Heather and Candace are also saving their money to travel with Jimmy to Nairobi to meet the cousins when they arrive.

AN APOLOGY. We’re sorry that there have not been any pictures in the last few reports. We’ll try to do better next week.

THANK YOU. Please accept our heart-felt thanks for your support. Please also accept our invitation to come for a visit…we would love for you to see the work first-hand! Jimmy is a terrific travel agent and can help you plan your trip. 

In Christian Love, 
Jimmy, Trina and Family

If you would like to see the report with pictures, please click here.

Posted on February 5, 2012 .