Studies In Battambang, Cambodia...

Dear brethren,

I am happy to share with all of you the work that we've just set up and teaching to the people at Battambang area. On Saturday, the 18th of February, one of the students and me went down to set up a Bible study with mostly ladies who live at Tasorng village, Bay domram commune, Banon district Battambang province, which is a way from where we are, about 220 kilometers. We went there by a motor bike and it took about three and half hour to get there.

We had 8 ladies who came and studied with us for about two hours on Saturday and two more hours on Sunday. We also met a teacher from a denomination who used to come and teach to the people over there often. After talking to each other for a while, they are really impressed on the word of God that we taught, and they asked us to go and teach them more next week. They were also impressed on how to worship God after they learned a lesson that I showed them from the scriptures, how the Bible teaches us to worship God, which is different from what they used to do. So they want to do right as the Bible said, and they asked us to bring the communion cup so that they can worship as the Bible teaches.

Lord willing we will continue to go there next week and spend one night over there and try to teach them to get to know more from the Bible. 

These people used to worship and were baptized by a denomination teacher, but they just don't know how to worship God, as they don't have Bible knowledge, otherwise their teacher doesn’t how to worship either. So after they heard a lesson taught, both the teacher and the people up there wanted to know more and they seem to be very interested.

We would love to ask you to continue to pray for this soil so that the word of God can sow to the right soil and will produce more fruit for our Lord.

Thank for remembering us in prayer for this work. Lord willing we may extend the Bible school in that area some more.

I have some pictures as I posted some on Facebook already. Here again I attached them on Yahoo for the sake of some brethren who do not use Facebook. 

In His service

Posted on February 26, 2012 .