Change Will Be Everywhere...

Dearest in Christ,

Accept warm greetings from your brothers and sisters here in Wotutu congregation and the staff and students of CBIW. Our week was great here and God continued His great love and care over us. Permit me to use this quotation from a brother that came from the USA. Ralph Williams, during our opening day on the 4th of January 2011. “Oh Lord, we thank you for this day. Many lives will be changed because of this day, lives will be touched, souls will be saved. Because of this day, change will be everywhere.” There are times that many will joke with the utterance that a brother will use during prayer either in our family or in worship. The above prayer from that brother is being fulfilled daily in our country and mostly in our community. The CBIW is creating a lot of awareness in the gospel. Something that has not happened since the establishment of the church in Cameroon 54 years ago is being happen now.

Sister Clara also accepted the accepted the gospel. Keep her in your prayers, as her husband was a backslider. She called the husband to come and see what she was about to do. The husband came and met us and disclosed to us that he was a member and has not been worshipping for the past 13 years. He shed tears and pleaded for forgiveness from the Lord. We restored her after the baptism of his wife. Keep this family in your prayers as they will lead many as long as they keep growing.

The students of CBIW are going where ever the gospel calls. Weekend evangelism is touching many lives away from the school campus. Lives in Wotutu are being touched daily through our programs. People in our community are being taken to the Bible closer and closer with our program back to the Bible. Dead congregations, weak members and backsliders are coming back to the fold because of CBIW. New congregations are being established because of CBIW.

We just returned from another busy weekend with some students, while others were assigned to other villages keeping in mind the gospel in Romans 10:13-15. Souls are in darkness and by His grace we have seen the light and we are doing all possible means to help many come over to the light as long as we have the means.

One of the students, Mulango Theophile, and I went into a market square in Malende village where people where so receptive to the gospel. This village was the first we visited after our opening day where we revived the congregation, but it needs nurturing. The harvest is really ripe, but the laborers are few. In Cameroon, laborers were few because the preaching vocation was not attracting men to go into it, but CBIW is changing the focus through the passion of both the staff and students. On the field many desire to enroll. As I am writing this mail more applications keep coming to my office. Means and space will not be there to take many who desire to be trained as a preacher.

I was able to conduct the baptism of Brother Awah Roland with other students and members of the Malende congregation standing as witness. Keep this young man in your prayers to keep growing.

Our student brother, Mulango, baptized sister Agatha. Keep her in your prayers. The Malende village is good ground for more souls to be won over to the Lord if only we put a powerful mechanism for planting, watering and to have in mind that we must continue to gain ground and grow so that these saints will continue to glorify God. The strong man’s house will continue to be robbed. We pray to God for the means to go where ever we are called to go. In Malende a total of nine souls were added into the church in that village and one soul was restored. Keep this struggling congregation in your prayers.

Please keep the students in your prayers as they will begin writing their exams as from the 28th of February and to end on the 2nd of March, that God should help them as they prepare to this end.

Pray for two visiting lecturers who will come over here and help train men to preach. One of them will teach the students some vocational studies.

We thank God for His care over us while in school and our travels. We also thank Him again for using you and your family to be part of this great work that is going on here. Many offered special prayers to God because of you. Our PA system and our powerful generator is making others know that the Church of Christ is not a dead church as it was before, where by it was not easy for them to even rent a PA system to preach the gospel not of less buying it. God will not pass you by because you are a strong pillar to all these positive changes taking place here.

Please, I am personally pleading with any one that will have the heart of supporting my travel to Zambia during the AFRICAN CLAIMING AFRICA FOR CHRIST conference in August. It is a conference that helps expose avenue for collaboration to work together to win more souls, and to learn some vocation that will help sustain a preacher. It will cost me about $2,000. If your heart is touched to help me, may God blesses you in advance.

Thanks for praying for us.

Elangwe and family by His grace
Director CBIW

Posted on February 26, 2012 .