Men of God like Israel, Samuel, Silence and Godfrey all left school and are preaching and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the countries of Tanzania and Malawi today. These, and many others like them, finished a two-year program of extensive training and practical studies to prepare themselves to preach. They had classes in the Bible books, Preaching, and Personal Evangelism. They have studied, Hermeneutics, Church History and Apologetics. They were given opportunities every weekend to go out and preach, conduct services, and do home Bible studies. They had experienced godly men from the States who came and taught short courses. Men like Howell Ferguson, Donnie Bates, and Denton Landon and Jerry Bates. They were taught daily by Tanzanian preachers who have the formal education and experience to lead them to be better servants of God.
One of our recent graduates, and currently a student in the Masters program, is brother Felix Khozomba. He preaches at the Donasi Church of Christ. Nearby is a state prison where he has been holding Bible Studies. Because of his work he has baptized 24 prisoners and meets weekly with the church there. Brother Ephron Mbano has been working in his hometown and has established two new congregations at Kamala and Mutu which now have 25 saints worshiping weekly. Another of our graduates is Brother Clergynton Harawa. He is preaching at three congregations and teaching Bible classes at the Mzuzu Bible College. He writes and says, “I appreciate Bear Valley Bible Institute because they have trained me.”
One graduate says after studying World Religions; “I will teach them about Jesus Christ how he is the Son of God and He is the truth and the life. They way to life after death is the hope in Jesus.” Another student reports; ”I am looking forward to converting more souls from these false religions. My prayer is that they may be saved!” May God continue to bless our graduates as they do the work their years at the Chimala Bible Institute have trained them to do.
Garry L. Hill
Extension Coordinator
Chimala Bible Institute