Greetings Fellow Workers:
What a joy it has been, another year of blessed service in Him. We are blessed like few others. To all our friends and supporters we say THANK YOU! Words genuinely fail me in expressing our thanks to each of you and the part you played in the saving of over 300 souls in 2012. We thank our God for the increase and for the planting of more than 12 new congregations. We are grateful for all the blessings we share in Christ Jesus and for the opportunity to share these blessings with others.
We believe the best is yet to come and we ask of you, your continued prayers and support. East Africa is proving to be the right place and this is proving to be the right time. We believe The church in East Africa will continue to grow and in the not to distant future will take the Good News of the Gospel throughout all Africa, yes, all the world.
I close this brief Short Report with a special thank you to the Elders of the Bear Valley congregation, for their vision, zeal and for the leadership at the Bear Vally Bible Institute for their vision and efforts in planting Preacher’s School throughout the world.
We have been blessed by these men in ways only the Lord Himself fully knows. We say thank you and may our God continue to bless you as you strive in the making of “disciples” of all nations, that in turn they might take the saving message of the Bible to their own and to others.
A special thank you to the Kensington Woods Elders and Ken Upchurch for the good you have and continue to do. May our God bless you in a very special way in the years to come.
Stephanie, Granny and I thank God for each of you, your service, sacrifice and support of God’s mission work in Tanzania. You have blessed and enriched our lives in so many ways, we are humbled and grateful.
We wish and we pray you all have a great New Year, in Him, in service to Him, and in your service to others.
In Him,
Cy, Stephanie & Granny