Sharing Great News...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

We rejoice in the Lord for all He does for His family and for the lost of this world. We are blessed beyond measure and thankful for the blessing of our Christian family. 

Recently God blessed us with answered prayers. One answered prayer was in the safety and blessing of a good work with the Future Preacher’s Training Camp and Tanzania Christian Camp. We thank Ben Thompson, Burt Fuller, John Rice and others who came and made this years efforts a “home-run.” God blessed the efforts of the TCC with nine precious souls being added to His Church.

A second blessing was witnessed through the efforts of Allen Middleton and his co-workers as they labored at Mto wa Mbu. After dozens of studies and countless efforts ten souls obeyed the saving message of the Gospel. Words fall short as to the gratitude we have for all who come and make this mission effort all it can be to God’s glory and to the saving of countless souls. 

A third blessing was the answer to our “Thanksgiving Challenge” that we sent out with four weeks ago. We faced a year end short fall in meeting the mission needs in Tanzania. We went to our friends and supporters with the challenge with hopeful confidence God would provide through His Saints. 

Stephanie and I arrived at Cotton and Beulah Box’s home last week and received the wonderful news. Cotton shared with me the news that Mayfield would be able to help with the challenge. Cotton (Mayfield) had no idea what we had already received, but when he told me what they had committed to, it was exactly what we were short in completing the goal. God’s providential care is an amazing thing to witness. 

To all who sacrificed to help us with this Thanksgiving Challenge, we say thank you and may our God bless you beyond measure. 

We still need to make up this short fall on a monthly basis, so, please pray and or commit to helping TZ2000 with a monthly donation in 2013. Stephanie and I have a few openings, so, if you or another congregation would like to have us, we would love to come and share with you or others the good being done in Tanzania. 

We wish you all a very happy holiday season and a blessed New Year in your Kingdom Service to God and our fellow man. We love and appreciate each of you for your love of the Gospel and your generosity to the Tanzania 2000 mission effort. 

In Him, 

Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on December 23, 2012 .