Greetings Fellow Workers:
It is with hearts of mixed emotions we write this report. We are hours away from leaving Tanzania to begin our furlough. We will miss the work, our coworkers, friends and family. We have much to be thankful for and you, our supporters, are at the top of that list. We thank God for His grace, mercy and love manifested in this work through the love of countless brothers and sisters.
The work continues to bring forth much spiritual fruit. The printed page and other means of media are multiplying our efforts on a grand scale. One example is the “Searching for Truth” evangelist book put out by World Video Bible School. We have been the recipients of so much sound biblical material from them. The recent translation of this SFT book will have a powerful impact on the lives of countless souls. We are expecting the arrival of over 5,000 copies in Ki-Swahili by the end of this month.
We have also received 1,000 copies of the DVD that goes with the SFT book. As I write this Short Report, Charles Heberth (the one who translated the book into Ki-Swahili), Isaac and Makunde, Anita Hochdorf, and Sean’s parents are at a local Christmas fair manning a booth and giving away the DVD’s. We pray God will give the harvest!
We strongly encourage you check out World Video and see all the sound material available at: - Thank you all who serve at WVBS and for the good you are doing around the world. Thank you all who participated and donated funds to bring this soul saving project to fruition.
We are also very thankful for all the efforts Stephanie, Anita and Trina do in the training of the Christian ladies in how to teach. Yesterday, Anita, Allie, Neema, Jane and others went to Manyire to teach the ladies how to teach. The turn out was good, the ladies were edified and the work continues.
Next week our coworkers begin arriving for the “Future Preacher’s Training Camp” and the “Tanzania Youth Camp.” We are so very grateful for Ben Thompson, John Rice, Burt Fuller and others who help us help the Lord’s church here in TZ. Through these efforts many come to know God as their Savior, while others learn how to serve in the Kingdom. Thank you all and thank you to all who support them in their labors.
We close with hearts full of gratitude and joy. We are blessed beyond measure and through your continued prayers and God’s power, we have only just begun.
We are sending out a “Thanksgiving Challenge” (see letter below). Much progress has been made toward our goal/need and we thank God and everyone who has helped make a difference. There is much to do, so, please consider the “Challenge” and pass it along to others who have a heart of service and for lost souls.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Allie
Tanzania, East Africa Mission Effort
November 15, 2012
The Tanzania, East Africa Mission effort began on July, 1998 under the oversight of the Kensington Woods church of Christ in Hattiesburg, MS. A 20 year plan was developed which included:
- Strengthening the existing congregations in Arusha and Moshi, Tanzania.
- Establish Bible schools in Arusha and Moshi and conduct a Safari for Souls campaign each summer to help mature the two congregations as well as assist in evangelizing two cities with populations in excess of 2 million souls.
- Establish a school of preaching in Arusha to train Africans to become Gospel preachers.
- Assist the newly trained Gospel preachers to return to their villages in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda & Democratic Republic of Congo in establishing churches of Christ.
After 15 years of faithful mission effort by countless individuals and congregations, so much has been accomplished. The Andrew Connally School of Preaching has graduated over 100 evangelists from four countries in the two-year in-resident program. These men are now serving congregations throughout East Africa. More than 150 new congregations have been established, hundreds of East Africans are obeying the Gospel each year and leadership training is taking place continuously. The young people have such a love for God; therefore, a Future Preacher Training camp was started six years ago and is now filled to capacity. We have just completed the translation of the entire Searching for Truth into the native tongue of Ki-Swahili through the efforts of World Video Bible School. We are also working on translating the New Testament. This will enable each of these groups to study and gain an understanding of Gods’ Word in his own language.
Much has been accomplished, but there remains much to be done. The recession in the U.S. has had a major impact on many of our financial supporters; however, despite the recession there still remains a pressing need to evangelize East Africa. Currently, there are approximately 50 congregations and 65 individuals supporting these mission efforts.
How can you help?
- You can pray daily for the souls in East Africa to have the opportunity to hear and obey the Gospel as we have been charged in Matt 28:19.
- You can contribute to the immediate need of $25,000 for operational and student expenses to complete the 2012 efforts.
- You can commit to congregational, family or individual support through a one time and/or monthly contribution for 2013 and beyond so that this work may continue.
Funds may be sent to:
Kensington Woods church of Christ
415 S. 40th Ave
Hattiesburg, MS 39402
I ask that as your leadership, your families, and you, as individuals, sit down and pray about your decisions regarding charitable donations for the next year, you will consider this work and become a partner in our efforts to train preachers, bring souls to Christ and establish self-sustaining congregations throughout East Africa.
Cy Stafford
TZ 2000 Missions Coordinator