Growing Prospects In Togo...


World Bible School and Mission Printing continue to complement each other in an effort to spread the saving message of Christ. Ever since we started receiving 20 footer sea containers from Mission Printing in the US, it has facilitated the world Bible School enrollment exercises. In the past, it was difficult getting people to write their names in order to enroll in the WBS, but now with the coming in of the tracts, they are more willing to give their names in exchange for a tract. This is so because most denominations sell their tracts and other religious literature that the Church of Christ is willing to hand out free of charge.

We recently organized a three day tract distribution exercise at ‘Obra Spot’ a very popular spot in the center of town. We gave out a couple of boxes of tracts and at the end of it all, we enrolled 200 plus names.

The Keve campaign was a joint effort between the Kpalime church and the Dzodze church in the Volta of region of Ghana. This church planting exercise started a couple of months ago when bro Riley brought a team of men from the US to work in the South Eastern part of Togo. As a result of this effort, five preachers trained at CBS in Kpalime have been hired to minister in the new congregations.

In a recent campaign at Keve, twenty souls were baptized thus marking the beginning of the Keve Church of Christ. Below you have pictures of some activities during the campaign.

The number of students at Center for Biblical Studies continues to be 15. Studies are going well and teachers are also committed to their duties. Students have continued in evangelism and as a result have planted one new congregation, distributed several tracts, have 32 prospects that they are studying with. Above all they are seriously anticipating their graduation by September 2013.

Willie Gley

Posted on December 2, 2012 .