Being One In Christ...

Dearest in Christ,

Greetings from Cameroon. Your brothers and sisters are happy to send their deep love over to you. We pray and hope this report meets you in good health and sound faith as usual. We praise God for all His great care over us as we travel to do His work.

The Lord added one soul out of Wotutu congregation through this weekend’s evangelism in Limbe, new town congregation. Keep sister Larisa in your prayers to grow in the faith and make known the name of Jesus to many on her way.

The week was a great one for both the CBIW family and the Wotutu congregation. The climate continues to disturb a little bit as some members are still sick. Thanks for your prayers which is helping us in many ways. It is always like this in this period of the year. As we move towards the dry season many will be sick until after that time. 

The theme for our chapel, which is used most of time in our congregation was, Being One In Christ. This was aimed at reinforcing unity among brethren, forgetting we are one, and for all to know that, as we are not a denomination. There are no ethnic or geographical barriers as we are now in Christ.

As I write this mail, all of us that went out to 4 locations for weekend evangelism returned safe and sound. The Lord accomplished His work in those locations. We thank you and all that you are doing to make these trips possible weekly.

Brother Tobias was involved in house to house evangelism. He is frequently involved in weekend evangelism because he is doing lots of follow up with some prospects during his last weekend evangelism. It is working well and we praise God for His work.

CBIW students were encouraged by a kind gesture from their sisters in Mondoni congregation, a growing congregation that we established in February this year. They came surprisingly to CBIW campus one evening with food flasks. They brought fufu and vegetables for all the students. It was great to welcome them and also see their appreciation for the work of the students in their life as they continue to grow. Keep this young congregation in your prayers for them to continue to think of doing good for the glory of God.

I traveled for weekend evangelism with some student in Kombe to Ebonji church of Christ where I was invited to preach and give the benediction of a wedding ceremony between brother Daniel and sister Ruth. Today, by His grace, they are husband and wife in Christ. It was a colorful event as I told them with appreciations their desire to obey God’s command in marriage for one man to one woman. The above 50 man population benefitted from God’s original principles of marriage which many today, because of satanic influences, are changing to fit their selfish and unholy ambitions.

Brother Daniel and his wife stood with us after the ceremony for a picture. I told them in Africa marriage is a journey of no return. They will endure hardship which is part of the ingredients that they must receive and they should accept it as part of the game in the school. Conclusively I told them to always rejoice (Phil. 4:4).

The Wotutu congregation continues to make preparations toward the forthcoming graduation ceremony. We are expecting above 700 people on our premises on the 19-20th of December. Many are calling and telling us that they will come before that date to come and help in one way or the other to put things in place. CBIW has done something in the entire Cameroon for this very short space of it existence. Thank you for standing with us. Wotutu congregation is benefitting from CBIW as we continue to preach on our local radio every morning and to visit our members. As of today the total worshippers in Wotutu was 118 with 5 first time visitors, we are in an urgent need for benches. Please, if you can help us, then we shall really appreciate it.  

1) Our first graduation and second matriculation of 25 students will be on the 19-20th of December 2012 by His grace. We count on your prayers and support.

2) We are still to make the trip to Botoke for the establishments of a new congregation which will be the first in the whole of west coast region

3) CBIW students start their long courses exams tomorrow Monday the 19th on Church History, Christian Ethics, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, and the book of Revelation. We added Church Music and Introduction to Greek

4) We shall welcome short courses instructors from the USA soon and that will be the last courses before the graduation. Keep all our visions in your prayers.

Many thanks to God for His great care and blessings over us. We thank God for using you to accomplish and what He will continue to accomplish here in Cameroon. Thank you for availing yourself for Him to use you the way He is using you over His work here.

Share this report with others and may God continue to bless you and the work you do. The entire USA is in our prayers. May God take control over the affairs of that nation. We wait to read from you. Stay safe and remain bless.

Elangwe and family
By His grace Director CBIW

Posted on November 18, 2012 .