Barack And Victoria Obey The Gospel...

Greetings Fellow Workers;

We hope and pray this report finds you well, blessed and serving faithfully where you are. We are grateful for your prayers, support and love for lost souls. 

Barack obeys the Gospel! Yes, today Barack and his wife mama Victoria put Christ on in baptism. They followed the obedience of bibi (Ki-Swahili for grandmother) on Thursday. This followed five souls who obeyed the Gospel at Ushirombo last Sunday along with one sweet soul at Moshi as well. God continues to give the increase through the faithful service of His saints. 

Barack, mama Victoria and bibi (Riiziki) are results of God’s grace, good and honest hearts and a direct result of this year’s Safari for Souls campaign. The Hoover group worked an area of Arusha called “White Rose.” Stephanie and Jane Massawe have continued faithfully with the follow-up efforts. Others have joined them, including Caitlin Middleton who stayed with us for several weeks. 

After a powerful sermon from our brother Gary Fallis, Barack and Victoria made their decision to give their lives to God. A joyful day in God’s Kingdom. I was dropping off bibi and Rose, her granddaughter, after services when Rose came up to me and said she was ready to obey the Gospel, but wanted to study one more time with Stephanie, Jane and Allie. Please keep all in your prayers as they begin a new life in Christ. 

Gary is here to teach a short course for the second year class. He will also be our guest speaker for graduation on Saturday. We are indebted to Gary and the whole Bear Valley team for their contributions to Kingdom growth. Thank you all so very much.

God is doing a mighty work in Tanzania and throughout East Africa. Congregations are being planted on a monthly basis. Souls are coming to the Lord daily. Leadership in the church is beginning to show in some mighty ways. Thank you all for making it all possible. 

We arrive on December 2nd and hit the fund raising trails on the 4th. I will be in the Nashville area the first week and in the Tuscaloosa/Birmingham, Alabama the next. I would love to buy you a cup of coffee and share with you God’s mighty mission work if you are interested. Just let me know and we will set the date. 

God is good all the time! Because of my dear brother Ed Norton, the congregation he serves at, the Mayfield congregation, and others, we now have our airline tickets covered and part of our furlough expenses as well. Thank you all so very much.

We close with a zeal and hope that God will open the doors needed to meet our financial needs. Thank you all for what you do and for what you have yet to do. 

In Him,
Cy, Stephanie, Granny & Allie

Posted on November 18, 2012 .