Leadership Develops In Arusha...

Greetings Fellow Workers,

God is so good, so good all the time. His missionaries and fellow workers here in Tanzania are the recipients of His Grace daily. We thank you for your partnership in the Gospel and for all God’s blessings.

The Spread of the Gospel! When we began this mission effort we could only imagine how God would bless it. Today there is now a new Kenya School of Preaching with it’s director and dean having their training here at the Andrew Connally School of Preaching.

There is now a Uganda School of Preaching directed by Francis Wechesa who worked with us for the first ten years. Francis has invited Denny Petrillo (President of the Bear Vally School Bible Institute, Denver, CO) and myself to come out and speak at their conference in December. This would be a great opportunity for me to participate and do some recruiting for the ACSOP. One small problem, NO FUNDING! The total cost of the trip would be $700. I really need to let Francis know one way or the other, if anyone is of the mind to help with such a need; please let me know and thank you for your consideration, prayers and support with this opportunity.

Today was a very special day at the Arusha congregation. Twelve men stood before the congregation and one by one prayed for growth in the Kingdom. They asked God for forgiveness, wisdom, strength and a stronger desire to be God men. When one has the privilege to see young converts grow in Christ to the point they begin to lead, you really are blessed! To see the power of God in the lives of His servants brings tears of joy. Please pray for these men as they strive to be the leaders God would have them to be.

Great News! We have learned that all nine of our grandchildren still love us and have requested we pay them a visit. And, if that was not the best news ever, our faithful and dear friends and supporters have requested we come and report on the good God is doing through the Tanzania 2000 mission effort.

So, here’s the deal, with your help and prayers, we would like to go ahead and book our flights and purchase our tickets. All we need is your prayers and financial help! Our travels to America will cost around $5,000. While in America reporting on the work our travels will cost us another $6,000 to $8,000 (depending on how many appointments and invitations we are blessed with).

If you would like for Stephanie, Granny and Cy to see our grand babies and their parents, our good friends and supporters, please dig deep and help in any way you can. If you are able and willing to help, please let us know that we might thank you appropriately. We thank you in advance for your continued prayers and support.

We pray God blesses each of you with an opportunity to glorify Him and an opportunity to have a spiritual conversation with some lost soul. Also we ask you to remember Janet as she will be returning to the States on Tuesday and for her daughter Allie who will be staying with us for the next several months.

In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny

Posted on October 28, 2012 .