Greetings Fellow Workers,
It is with great joy we write and with hearts of thanksgiving. We are indeed a blessed people to be a part of the Lord’s Church and to be privileged to serve Him and our fellow man. We thank you for your prayers and support of God’s work here in Tanzania. He continues to bless the work in many ways.
Today I received a call from our brother Julius Gasper, evangelist for the Mto wa Mbu congregations, with “good news”! Our brother Greg Dixon from the Northport congregation in Tuscaloosa, AL has been teaching God’s Word via Skype with a number of people in the Mto wa Mbu area. Today seven souls gave their lives to the Lord in obedience to the Gospel. This is but one example of the power of technology being used for the good of the Kingdom.
WoW! What a week! The Tanzania Leadership Conference has come and gone. Sean Hochdorf did a masterful job directing this years program, thank you brother. To our brothers and coworkers from Bear Valley, Denny Petrillo, Bob Turner, Mike Hite and Neal Pollard we say thank you and may our God bless you for all you contributed to this event. To Buddy Fry, Sid Aultman, Daniel Warren, Tom Watkins, Nathen Adams, Brad Whinery and Bruce Hatcher, again we say Thank You So Very Much.
This year's theme: “National Leadership: Shaping a Nation for Service to God (lessons on national leadership from 1 & 2 Samuel and 1 & 2 Kings). The lessons were powerful and well received. The good done will only be known in Heaven but will be witnessed by the growth of the Lord’s Church here in Tanzania.
It was such a blessing to have 22 of our graduates back to be a part of this powerful meeting. Men from five different countries along with many of their wives made this years conference the best ever. With more than 130 present we had over a 50% increase in attendance of last year’s meeting. We thank our God for all the good done and for the influence for good that will be manifested in the years come.
Great News: The Searching for Truth book is translated and going to print. If all goes to plan the shipment of 5,000 copies should arrive in country sometime around the first of the year. We have been blessed with the funds for the printing, but are in need of funds to cover the clearing and trucking cost; $3,000. If you can, please help us put the final number together that this great tool might have its intended impact on the lost souls of East Africa.
We close with hearts of thanks and joy for all who make this work possible. We pray our God continues to bless you in all the right ways and that through your blessings you in turn are able to bless others to His glory.
In Him, Cy, Stephanie & Granny