Respected brothers in Christ,
Greetings to you all in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May grace of God, love and peace always be with you.
It is my privilege and opportunity to write some words on behalf of Nepal Center for Biblical Study at Kathmandu, Nepal. I apologize to you all for being late on sending monthly school progress report, due to school program and somehow busy in the Bible classes from last week. I believe you all understand me.
Jerry Bates:
Last week we had our first guest teacher for this second batch of our new students. He is brother Jerry Bates and his wife, Paula Bates. Brother Jerry Bates is the Associate Editor of “The Voice of Truth International.” They are fully involved in the missionary work as well as in “World Literature Publication.” They had arrived at Kathmandu Nepal on Monday, October 1st. We had our classes from same day of Monday afternoon through Friday afternoon. Brother Jerry Bates had spoken to us from “Gospel of John.” He is a nice teacher having sound Bible knowledge in the scriptures. People participated from Kathmandu Valley congregations, some of our graduated students and present students. Sister Paula Bates had opportunity to teach two lessons for the women on Thursday and Friday. She had taken the Old Testament and New Testament Woman characters. We had a few women participate due to being busy in their office and house work. But, all the school family, students, and all participants were encouraged with his teaching at school.
The Voice of Truth International:
Our brothers, Deepak, Parsuram and Gajendra had opportunity to talk with brother Jerry Bates on printing of The Voice of Truth International in Nepali Language. We talked in detail regarding this. We published two volumes of issues for seven months before. If God wills we will begin again from this coming January of 2013. Besides this printing, we had also talked regarding some of the English literatures and lessons are needed for our Nepali congregations. He has given permission to translate and print some of good lessons like “The Church of The Bible,” “Lessons on the Church.” We need to talk together with brothers, Jerry Golphenee, Parsuram, Deepak, Gajendra when brother Jerry arrives at Kathmandu on October 16th of 2012. Then we will send a financial estimate to brother Jerry Bates and begin our literature publication.
Mike Brook’s class:
We had a good Bible study last week with brother Mike Brooks who is the preacher from the Highland Park Church of Christ, Muscle Shoals, Alabama. He visits Nepal twice in the year. He is a good preacher and Bible teacher. He came this year with his wife Brenda Brooks and his sister Jane. He taught from the book of Hebrews titled “So Great A Salvation.” This meeting and Bible study is hosted by Nepal Center for Biblical Studies. There were 35 preachers invited, including the present students. People attended from Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Rasuwa, Dhading, Himalaya regions and some of from East Nepal. Sisters Brenda and Jane are teaching Bible characters to the women. Classes went smoothly. We all are benefited from his class.
Long Holidays and youth classes:
Our five weeks of long holidays will begin from October 13th of 2012. Then our new classes will begin from November 19th of 2012. We are planning to have four days of youth Bible study and camp at our school building between this time. We are planning to do this youth fellowship, Bible study and games from October 22nd -25th of 2012. Brothers Dev, Surya, Deepak, brothers Jerry and Gajendra will be the teachers and sisters Sunita, Judy will be the ladies teachers. Brother Roshan and other associate brothers will be our game teachers.
Please remember all of us in your family and congregational prayer.
Thank you.
Servant of Christ……………Gajendra Deshar