When Seconds Count...

Dear Loyal Co-Workers,

QUOTE OF THE WEEK:  “Humble people don’t think less of themselves; they just think of themselves less.”

FRIDAY, we welcomed TED CHERRY and are thankful for his safe arrival. Mr. Cherry, who works with the Bear Valley Bible Institute’s Extension Program, has made several trips over in the past few years in order to teach at the ACSOP. For the next two weeks, he will be busy teaching Principles of Leadership and Old Testament Theology to the Master's students. Some students have arrived and others are still on their way. Our daughter, Abigail, will be a student in these classes in order to get credit towards her Bachelor's degree.

THOSE WHO HUNGER AND THIRST AFTER RIGHTEOUSNESS…The ladies continued the review of Genesis (chapters 1-25) while the men studied the Gospel of John. Mr. Cherry preached an excellent sermon on John 3 concerning the conversion of Nicodemus. The church at Kisongo is definitely blessed and has greatly benefited from lessons taught by visiting teachers. A congregation grows strong feeding from God’s Word.

WHEN SECONDS COUNT…the Arusha Fire department is only days away! Okay, this is negative and sarcastic, but also funny. The manager of a restaurant and lodge was telling us of a fire that broke out there. Somehow fire shot up through the fireplace up to the roof and smoke filled the entire restaurant. He notified the security company and who in turn contacted the fire department. The manager was fortunate in that everyone followed protocol and he had the fire under control in 15 minutes. The customers were moved outside and the restaurant continued to serve them. However, 2 days later the fire department shows up with sirens blasting and bells ringing. At the gate the driver inquired about the fire, looked at his log sheet and say, “Oh, that was 2 days ago. We’re supposed to be somewhere else.” Hopefully, it didn’t take them 2 more days to find the current fire.

STICKS AND STONES…are a boy’s best friends. Our boys love carving and have made totem poles (miniature) and several other items. For Christmas gifts, Stuart gave several in the family a necklace with a carved figure on it. Lindsey was a little “surprised” that the carving she received was a casket. Stuart, David and Elijah love crushing rocks and found one that appears to have black onyx on the inside. We’re still trying to find information on it on the internet.

“CHARM” IS DECEITFUL AND “BEAUTY” IS VAIN...Elijah and David were climbing on the metal gate at the door and evidently Elijah thought he was going to be in trouble. As Trina walked out the door, he whispered to David, “Here comes momma!” Raising his voice (making sure Trina would hear) and looking right at her he exclaimed, “Isn’t she a beauty?!” Again, Scripture was right.

PRAYERS NEEDED. One of our faithful new converts, Adella, has moved to Arusha due to her husbands’ job. Please pray that she will continue to be faithful as she worships with the Arusha congregation. Please remember Rosemary (had typhoid, is pregnant and may have cancer). Also, please pray for our friend, Dennis Itson, who is receiving 20 medical treatments this month. He is a source of constant encouragement to us.

STUART COUNTED seventy-eight  people in worship this morning. Among those were Zeno, who recently lost his younger brother. It was announced today that another brother of his (who visited services a few months ago) has also died. How sad that they both died without Jesus. If a family moved to Tanzania and ONLY did Bible studies with the family members of the Kisongo congregation, they would have more than a full-time job. When people already know of someone who is a member, they will more readily agree to a Bible study and will consider more seriously what you have to say. Changing lives, changing futures, changing family trees…that’s what it’s all about. People need hope and direction.

A NEW PARABLE.  Due to the poor quality of products bought here, items such as faucets sometimes need replacing as much as twice a year due to the inside becoming “stripped.” One day, as we were discussing the eternality of heaven, Stuart quipped “Heaven is like the girls’ shower faucet knob…it just keeps turning and turning and NEVER ENDS.”

AGAIN…we end this week’s report like always…expressing our gratitude for your prayers and support.  We never tire of saying it so we hope you never tire of hearing it. It was a good idea but I think we should give up the hope of ever writing and sending the report on Saturdays. Some things that sound good or look good on paper just never “pan out.”  Ha/ha

MAY THE LORD bless your family in ways you never imagined because you stepped out of your “box” to serve Him in ways you never imagined. “Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

ASANTE SANA (“thank you very much”) for joining hands with us to teach the Tanzanian people so they may continue to teach long after we are gone. 

Working Together for Him,
The Jimmy Gee family

Posted on January 29, 2012 .